Text Simplification

119 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 20 datasets

Text Simplification is the task of reducing the complexity of the vocabulary and sentence structure of text while retaining its original meaning, with the goal of improving readability and understanding. Simplification has a variety of important societal applications, for example increasing accessibility for those with cognitive disabilities such as aphasia, dyslexia, and autism, or for non-native speakers and children with reading difficulties.

Source: Multilingual Unsupervised Sentence Simplification


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Most implemented papers

FASTSUBS: An Efficient and Exact Procedure for Finding the Most Likely Lexical Substitutes Based on an N-gram Language Model

denizyuret/fastsubs-googlecode 24 May 2012

Lexical substitutes have found use in areas such as paraphrasing, text simplification, machine translation, word sense disambiguation, and part of speech induction.

Unsupervised Sentence Simplification Using Deep Semantics

shashiongithub/Sentence-Simplification-ACL14 WS 2016

We present a novel approach to sentence simplification which departs from previous work in two main ways.

Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation for Text Simplification

cocoxu/simplification TACL 2016

Most recent sentence simplification systems use basic machine translation models to learn lexical and syntactic paraphrases from a manually simplified parallel corpus.

Readability-based Sentence Ranking for Evaluating Text Simplification

nishkalavallabhi/complexity-features 18 Mar 2016

We propose a new method for evaluating the readability of simplified sentences through pair-wise ranking.

Sentence Simplification with Deep Reinforcement Learning

XingxingZhang/dress EMNLP 2017

Sentence simplification aims to make sentences easier to read and understand.

Exploring Neural Text Simplification Models

senisioi/NeuralTextSimplification ACL 2017

Unlike the previously proposed automated TS systems, our neural text simplification (NTS) systems are able to simultaneously perform lexical simplification and content reduction.

A Semantic Relevance Based Neural Network for Text Summarization and Text Simplification

shumingma/SRB 6 Oct 2017

In this work, our goal is to improve semantic relevance between source texts and simplified texts for text summarization and text simplification.

Learning How to Simplify From Explicit Labeling of Complex-Simplified Text Pairs

ghpaetzold/massalign IJCNLP 2017

Current research in text simplification has been hampered by two central problems: (i) the small amount of high-quality parallel simplification data available, and (ii) the lack of explicit annotations of simplification operations, such as deletions or substitutions, on existing data.

Query and Output: Generating Words by Querying Distributed Word Representations for Paraphrase Generation

lancopku/WEAN NAACL 2018

The existing sequence-to-sequence model tends to memorize the words and the patterns in the training dataset instead of learning the meaning of the words.

Inherent Biases in Reference based Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction and Text Simplification

borgr/IBGEC 30 Apr 2018

The prevalent use of too few references for evaluating text-to-text generation is known to bias estimates of their quality ({\it low coverage bias} or LCB).