Temporal Information Extraction

16 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Temporal information extraction is the identification of chunks/tokens corresponding to temporal intervals, and the extraction and determination of the temporal relations between those. The entities extracted may be temporal expressions (timexes), eventualities (events), or auxiliary signals that support the interpretation of an entity or relation. Relations may be temporal links (tlinks), describing the order of events and times, or subordinate links (slinks) describing modality and other subordinative activity, or aspectual links (alinks) around the various influences aspectuality has on event structure.

The markup scheme used for temporal information extraction is well-described in the ISO-TimeML standard, and also on www.timeml.org.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<TimeML xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://timeml.org/timeMLdocs/TimeML_1.2.1.xsd">

 <TIMEX3 tid="t0" type="TIME" value="2000-10-20T20:02:07.85">10/20/2000 20:02:07.85</TIMEX3> 

 The Navy has changed its account of the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.
 Officials <TIMEX3 tid="t1" type="DATE" value="PRESENT_REF" temporalFunction="true" anchorTimeID="t0">now</TIMEX3> say the ship was hit <TIMEX3 tid="t2" type="DURATION" value="PT2H">nearly two hours </TIMEX3>after it had docked.
 Initially the Navy said the explosion occurred while several boats were helping
 the ship to tie up. The change raises new questions about how the attackers
 were able to get past the Navy security.

 <TIMEX3 tid="t3" type="TIME" value="2000-10-20T20:02:28.05">10/20/2000 20:02:28.05</TIMEX3> 

<TLINK timeID="t2" relatedToTime="t0" relType="BEFORE"/>

To avoid leaking knowledge about temporal structure, train, dev and test splits must be made at document level for temporal information extraction.

SoftTiger: A Clinical Foundation Model for Healthcare Workflows

tigerresearch/tigerbot 1 Mar 2024

We introduce SoftTiger, a clinical large language model (CLaM) designed as a foundation model for healthcare workflows.

01 Mar 2024

tieval: An Evaluation Framework for Temporal Information Extraction Systems

liaad/tieval 11 Jan 2023

All in all, these problems have limited the fair comparison between approaches and consequently, the development of temporal extraction systems.

11 Jan 2023

Towards Extracting Absolute Event Timelines From English Clinical Reports

tuur/AbsClinTimelinesTASL 28 Sep 2020

Temporal information extraction is a challenging but important area of automatic natural language understanding.

28 Sep 2020

Ontology-driven weak supervision for clinical entity classification in electronic health records

som-shahlab/trove 5 Aug 2020

In the electronic health record, using clinical notes to identify entities such as disorders and their temporality (e. g. the order of an event relative to a time index) can inform many important analyses.

05 Aug 2020

Temporal Knowledge Base Completion: New Algorithms and Evaluation Protocols

dair-iitd/tkbi EMNLP 2020

Temporal knowledge bases associate relational (s, r, o) triples with a set of times (or a single time instant) when the relation is valid.

02 May 2020

#MeTooMaastricht: Building a chatbot to assist survivors of sexual harassment

DigitalDigger/MeTooMaastrichtChatbot 6 Sep 2019

Inspired by the recent social movement of #MeToo, we are building a chatbot to assist survivors of sexual harassment cases (designed for the city of Maastricht but can easily be extended).

06 Sep 2019

Time Expressions in Mental Health Records for Symptom Onset Extraction

medesto/systems-adaptation WS 2018

Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods can be used to extract this data, in order to identify symptoms and treatments from mental health records, and temporally anchor the first emergence of these.

01 Oct 2018

Temporal Information Extraction by Predicting Relative Time-lines

tuur/PredRelTimelines EMNLP 2018

The current leading paradigm for temporal information extraction from text consists of three phases: (1) recognition of events and temporal expressions, (2) recognition of temporal relations among them, and (3) time-line construction from the temporal relations.

28 Aug 2018

Inducing Temporal Relations from Time Anchor Annotation

racerandom/temporalorder NAACL 2018

Conventional annotation of judging temporal relations puts a heavy load on annotators.

01 Jun 2018

Deep Learning for Hand Gesture Recognition on Skeletal Data

guillaumephd/deep_learning_hand_gesture_recognition IEEE FG 2018 2018

In this paper, we introduce a new 3D hand gesture recognition approach based on a deep learning model.

15 May 2018