Temporal Action Proposal Generation

16 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

BSN: Boundary Sensitive Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation

wzmsltw/BSN-boundary-sensitive-network.pytorch ECCV 2018

Temporal action proposal generation is an important yet challenging problem, since temporal proposals with rich action content are indispensable for analysing real-world videos with long duration and high proportion irrelevant content.

BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation

PaddlePaddle/models ICCV 2019

To address these difficulties, we introduce the Boundary-Matching (BM) mechanism to evaluate confidence scores of densely distributed proposals, which denote a proposal as a matching pair of starting and ending boundaries and combine all densely distributed BM pairs into the BM confidence map.

A Better Use of Audio-Visual Cues: Dense Video Captioning with Bi-modal Transformer

v-iashin/BMT 17 May 2020

We show the effectiveness of the proposed model with audio and visual modalities on the dense video captioning task, yet the module is capable of digesting any two modalities in a sequence-to-sequence task.

Relaxed Transformer Decoders for Direct Action Proposal Generation

MCG-NJU/RTD-Action ICCV 2021

Extensive experiments on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet-1. 3 benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of RTD-Net, on both tasks of temporal action proposal generation and temporal action detection.

SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals

shyamal-b/sst CVPR 2017

Our paper presents a new approach for temporal detection of human actions in long, untrimmed video sequences.

CTAP: Complementary Temporal Action Proposal Generation

jiyanggao/CTAP ECCV 2018

Temporal action proposal generation is an important task, akin to object proposals, temporal action proposals are intended to capture "clips" or temporal intervals in videos that are likely to contain an action.

Deep Point-wise Prediction for Action Temporal Proposal

liluxuan1997/DPP 17 Sep 2019

Detecting actions in videos is an important yet challenging task.

BSN++: Complementary Boundary Regressor with Scale-Balanced Relation Modeling for Temporal Action Proposal Generation

xxcheng0708/BSNPlusPlus-boundary-sensitive-network 15 Sep 2020

In this paper, we present BSN++, a new framework which exploits complementary boundary regressor and relation modeling for temporal proposal generation.

TSP: Temporally-Sensitive Pretraining of Video Encoders for Localization Tasks

HumamAlwassel/TSP 23 Nov 2020

Extensive experiments show that using features trained with our novel pretraining strategy significantly improves the performance of recent state-of-the-art methods on three tasks: Temporal Action Localization, Action Proposal Generation, and Dense Video Captioning.

Temporal Context Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposal Refinement

qingzhiwu/Temporal-Context-Aggregation-Network-Pytorch CVPR 2021

In this paper, we propose Temporal Context Aggregation Network (TCANet) to generate high-quality action proposals through "local and global" temporal context aggregation and complementary as well as progressive boundary refinement.