Template Matching

57 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Template matching is a technique that is used to find a subimage or a patch (called the template) within a larger image. The basic idea behind template matching is to slide the template image over the larger image and compare the template to each portion of the larger image to determine the similarity between the template and the corresponding portion of the larger image.

Most implemented papers

Spatial Dual-Modality Graph Reasoning for Key Information Extraction

open-mmlab/mmocr 26 Mar 2021

In order to roundly evaluate our proposed method as well as boost the future research, we release a new dataset named WildReceipt, which is collected and annotated tailored for the evaluation of key information extraction from document images of unseen templates in the wild.

Unsupervised Human Pose Estimation through Transforming Shape Templates

lschmidtke/shape_templates CVPR 2021

Human pose estimation is a major computer vision problem with applications ranging from augmented reality and video capture to surveillance and movement tracking.

Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New Objects and Robustness to Occlusions

nv-nguyen/template-pose CVPR 2022

It relies on a small set of training objects to learn local object representations, which allow us to locally match the input image to a set of "templates", rendered images of the CAD models for the new objects.

Chatbot for admissions

ujjwal1599/Vanilla-Bot 28 Aug 2014

The communication of potential students with a university department is performed manually and it is a very time consuming procedure.

Human Computer Interaction Using Marker Based Hand Gesture Recognition

siam1251/HandGestureRecognition 23 Jun 2016

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has been redefined in this era.

Fast and accurate spike sorting of high-channel count probes with KiloSort

cortex-lab/KiloSort NeurIPS 2016

Unlike previous algorithms that compress the data with PCA, KiloSort operates on the raw data which allows it to construct a more accurate model of the waveforms.

Template Matching with Deformable Diversity Similarity

roimehrez/DDIS CVPR 2017

We propose a novel measure for template matching named Deformable Diversity Similarity -- based on the diversity of feature matches between a target image window and the template.

APPLE Picker: Automatic Particle Picking, a Low-Effort Cryo-EM Framework

PrincetonUniversity/APPLEpicker 1 Feb 2018

Selecting particles from the micrographs is difficult especially for small particles with low contrast.

Learning Dynamic Memory Networks for Object Tracking

skyoung/MemTrack ECCV 2018

In this paper, we propose a dynamic memory network to adapt the template to the target's appearance variations during tracking.

Secure Face Matching Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption

human-analysis/secure-face-matching 1 May 2018

In this paper, we explore the practicality of using a fully homomorphic encryption based framework to secure a database of face templates.