Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

121 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 19 datasets

Achieving a pre-defined task through a dialog.


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Most implemented papers

A Generative Model for Joint Natural Language Understanding and Generation

andy194673/Joint-NLU-NLG ACL 2020

This approach allows us to explore both spaces of natural language and formal representations, and facilitates information sharing through the latent space to eventually benefit NLU and NLG.

Diversifying Task-oriented Dialogue Response Generation with Prototype Guided Paraphrasing

phlippe/P2_Net 7 Aug 2020

Instead of generating a response from scratch, P2-Net generates system responses by paraphrasing template-based responses.

Rethinking Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

cszmli/Rethink-RL-Sup Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

Then, the traditional multi-label classification solution for dialogue policy learning is extended by adding dense layers to improve the dialogue agent performance.

MinTL: Minimalist Transfer Learning for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

zlinao/MinTL EMNLP 2020

In this paper, we propose Minimalist Transfer Learning (MinTL) to simplify the system design process of task-oriented dialogue systems and alleviate the over-dependency on annotated data.

GraphDialog: Integrating Graph Knowledge into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

shiquanyang/GraphDialog EMNLP 2020

End-to-end task-oriented dialogue systems aim to generate system responses directly from plain text inputs.

On Task-Level Dialogue Composition of Generative Transformer Model

ppartha03/Dialogue-Compositionality-of-Generative-Transformer EMNLP (insights) 2020

In this work, we begin by studying the effect of training human-human task-oriented dialogues towards improving the ability to compose multiple tasks on Transformer generative models.

Adding Chit-Chat to Enhance Task-Oriented Dialogues

facebookresearch/accentor NAACL 2021

Existing dialogue corpora and models are typically designed under two disjoint motives: while task-oriented systems focus on achieving functional goals (e. g., booking hotels), open-domain chatbots aim at making socially engaging conversations.

Conditioned Text Generation with Transfer for Closed-Domain Dialogue Systems

snipsco/automatic-data-generation 3 Nov 2020

Scarcity of training data for task-oriented dialogue systems is a well known problem that is usually tackled with costly and time-consuming manual data annotation.

LAVA: Latent Action Spaces via Variational Auto-encoding for Dialogue Policy Optimization

budzianowski/multiwoz COLING 2020

In this paper, we explore three ways of leveraging an auxiliary task to shape the latent variable distribution: via pre-training, to obtain an informed prior, and via multitask learning.