Survival Analysis

133 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Survival Analysis is a branch of statistics focused on the study of time-to-event data, usually called survival times. This type of data appears in a wide range of applications such as failure times in mechanical systems, death times of patients in a clinical trial or duration of unemployment in a population. One of the main objectives of Survival Analysis is the estimation of the so-called survival function and the hazard function. If a random variable has density function $f$ and cumulative distribution function $F$, then its survival function $S$ is $1-F$, and its hazard $λ$ is $f/S$.

Source: Gaussian Processes for Survival Analysis

Image: Kvamme et al.


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Most implemented papers

A Scalable Discrete-Time Survival Model for Neural Networks

MGensheimer/nnet-survival 2 May 2018

It is important for predictive models to be able to use survival data, where each patient has a known follow-up time and event/censoring indicator.

Deep Landscape Forecasting for Real-time Bidding Advertising

rk2900/DLF 7 May 2019

The problem is formulated as to forecast the probability distribution of market price for each ad auction.

The Brier Score under Administrative Censoring: Problems and Solutions

havakv/pycox 18 Dec 2019

This administrative Brier score does not require estimation of the censoring distribution and is valid even if the censoring times can be identified from the covariates.

Conformalized Survival Analysis

zhimeir/cfsurvival 17 Mar 2021

Existing survival analysis techniques heavily rely on strong modelling assumptions and are, therefore, prone to model misspecification errors.

Survival Analysis for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis using CT Images and Incomplete Clinical Data

ahmedhshahin/ipfsurv 21 Mar 2022

To this end, we propose a probabilistic model that captures the dependencies between the observed clinical variables and imputes missing ones.

PyDTS: A Python Package for Discrete-Time Survival (Regularized) Regression with Competing Risks

tomer1812/pydts 12 Apr 2022

Most methods and software packages for survival regression analysis assume that time is measured on a continuous scale.

FastCPH: Efficient Survival Analysis for Neural Networks

lasso-net/lassonet 21 Aug 2022

The Cox proportional hazards model is a canonical method in survival analysis for prediction of the life expectancy of a patient given clinical or genetic covariates -- it is a linear model in its original form.

Heterogeneous Datasets for Federated Survival Analysis Simulation

archettialberto/federated_survival_datasets 28 Jan 2023

However, the data needed to train survival models are often distributed, incomplete, censored, and confidential.

Discrete-time Competing-Risks Regression with or without Penalization

tomer1812/pydts 2 Mar 2023

Additionally, we showcase the utility of our procedure by estimating a survival model for the length of stay of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit, considering three competing events: discharge to home, transfer to another medical facility, and in-hospital death.

CenTime: Event-Conditional Modelling of Censoring in Survival Analysis

ahmedhshahin/CenTime 7 Sep 2023

We demonstrate that our approach forms a consistent estimator for the event model parameters, even in the absence of uncensored data.