Stereo Disparity Estimation

18 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 6 datasets

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Most implemented papers

HITNet: Hierarchical Iterative Tile Refinement Network for Real-time Stereo Matching

google-research/google-research CVPR 2021

Contrary to many recent neural network approaches that operate on a full cost volume and rely on 3D convolutions, our approach does not explicitly build a volume and instead relies on a fast multi-resolution initialization step, differentiable 2D geometric propagation and warping mechanisms to infer disparity hypotheses.

Spring: A High-Resolution High-Detail Dataset and Benchmark for Scene Flow, Optical Flow and Stereo

cv-stuttgart/sceneflow_from_blender CVPR 2023

While recent methods for motion and stereo estimation recover an unprecedented amount of details, such highly detailed structures are neither adequately reflected in the data of existing benchmarks nor their evaluation methodology.

MoCha-Stereo: Motif Channel Attention Network for Stereo Matching

zyangchen/mocha-stereo 10 Apr 2024

In addition, edge variations in %potential feature channels of the reconstruction error map also affect details matching, we propose the Reconstruction Error Motif Penalty (REMP) module to further refine the full-resolution disparity estimation.

SOS: Stereo Matching in O(1) with Slanted Support Windows

meteorshowers/X-StereoLab 1 Jan 2018

Our key insight is that local smoothness can in fact be used to amortize the computation not only within initialization, but across the entire stereo pipeline.

ActiveStereoNet: End-to-End Self-Supervised Learning for Active Stereo Systems

meteorshowers/X-StereoLab ECCV 2018

In this paper we present ActiveStereoNet, the first deep learning solution for active stereo systems.

A hybrid algorithm for disparity calculation from sparse disparity estimates based on stereo vision

subhayanmukherjee/sparsestereo 20 Jan 2020

In this paper, we have proposed a novel method for stereo disparity estimation by combining the existing methods of block based and region based stereo matching.

Depth-Based Selective Blurring in Stereo Images Using Accelerated Framework

subhayanmukherjee/depthblur 21 Jan 2020

Complete disparity maps are reconstructed from boundaries' disparities.

AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network for Efficient Stereo Matching

haofeixu/aanet CVPR 2020

Despite the remarkable progress made by learning based stereo matching algorithms, one key challenge remains unsolved.

Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation

Div99/W-Stereo-Disp NeurIPS 2020

Existing approaches to depth or disparity estimation output a distribution over a set of pre-defined discrete values.

Learning Stereo Matchability in Disparity Regression Networks

jzhangbs/DSM 11 Aug 2020

Finally, a matchability-aware disparity refinement is introduced to improve the depth inference in weakly matchable regions.