Stance Detection

106 papers with code • 20 benchmarks • 31 datasets

Stance detection is the extraction of a subject's reaction to a claim made by a primary actor. It is a core part of a set of approaches to fake news assessment.


  • Source: "Apples are the most delicious fruit in existence"
  • Reply: "Obviously not, because that is a reuben from Katz's"
  • Stance: deny


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Most implemented papers

Your Stance is Exposed! Analysing Possible Factors for Stance Detection on Social Media

AbeerAldayel/Stance_detection 8 Aug 2019

Results show that stance of a user can be detected with multiple signals of user's online activity, including their posts on the topic, the network they interact with or follow, the websites they visit, and the content they like.

Incorporating Label Dependencies in Multilabel Stance Detection

willferreira/multilabel-stance-detection IJCNLP 2019

We propose a method that explicitly incorporates label dependencies in the training objective and compare it against a variety of baselines, as well as a reduction of multilabel to multiclass learning.

Stance Detection Benchmark: How Robust Is Your Stance Detection?

UKPLab/mdl-stance-robustness 6 Jan 2020

Stance Detection (StD) aims to detect an author's stance towards a certain topic or claim and has become a key component in applications like fake news detection, claim validation, and argument search.

X-Stance: A Multilingual Multi-Target Dataset for Stance Detection

ZurichNLP/xstance 18 Mar 2020

Unlike stance detection models that have specific target issues, we use the dataset to train a single model on all the issues.

Multilingual Stance Detection: The Catalonia Independence Corpus

ragerri/multilingual-stance-lrec2020 31 Mar 2020

The TW-10 Referendum Dataset released at IberEval 2018 is a previous effort to provide multilingual stance-annotated data in Catalan and Spanish.

Aspect-Controlled Neural Argument Generation

UKPLab/controlled-argument-generation NAACL 2021

In this work, we train a language model for argument generation that can be controlled on a fine-grained level to generate sentence-level arguments for a given topic, stance, and aspect.

StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics

angeloschatzimparmpas/StackGenVis 4 May 2020

Our system, StackGenVis, assists users in dynamically adapting performance metrics, managing data instances, selecting the most important features for a given data set, choosing a set of top-performant and diverse algorithms, and measuring the predictive performance.

Embeddings-Based Clustering for Target Specific Stances: The Case of a Polarized Turkey

AmmarRashed/UnsupervisedStanceDetection 19 May 2020

On June 24, 2018, Turkey conducted a highly consequential election in which the Turkish people elected their president and parliament in the first election under a new presidential system.

Stance Prediction for Contemporary Issues: Data and Experiments

marjanhs/procon20 WS 2020

We investigate whether pre-trained bidirectional transformers with sentiment and emotion information improve stance detection in long discussions of contemporary issues.

Stance Detection in Web and Social Media: A Comparative Study

prajwal1210/Stance-Detection-in-Web-and-Social-Media 12 Jul 2020

Online forums and social media platforms are increasingly being used to discuss topics of varying polarities where different people take different stances.