Speculation Detection

3 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Identifying information in text that is speculative as opposed to factual information.


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Most implemented papers

Resolving the Scope of Speculation and Negation using Transformer-Based Architectures

adityak6798/Transformers-For-Negation-and-Speculation 9 Jan 2020

Speculation is a naturally occurring phenomena in textual data, forming an integral component of many systems, especially in the biomedical information retrieval domain.

Multitask Learning of Negation and Speculation using Transformers

adityak6798/Transformers-For-Negation-and-Speculation 20 Nov 2020

Detecting negation and speculation in language has been a task of considerable interest to the biomedical community, as it is a key component of Information Extraction systems from Biomedical documents.

Shall We Trust All Relational Tuples by Open Information Extraction? A Study on Speculation Detection

daviddongkc/oie_spec 7 May 2023

We formally define the research problem of tuple-level speculation detection and conduct a detailed data analysis on the LSOIE dataset which contains labels for speculative tuples.