Sparse Learning

43 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Collaborative Preference Embedding against Sparse Labels

statusrank/LibCML ACM MM 2019

From the margin theory point-of-view, we then propose a generalization enhancement scheme for sparse and insufficient labels via optimizing the margin distribution.

Sparse Weight Activation Training

AamirRaihan/SWAT NeurIPS 2020

For ResNet-50 on ImageNet SWAT reduces total floating-point operations (FLOPS) during training by 80% resulting in a 3. 3$\times$ training speedup when run on a simulated sparse learning accelerator representative of emerging platforms while incurring only 1. 63% reduction in validation accuracy.

Picasso: A Sparse Learning Library for High Dimensional Data Analysis in R and Python

jasonge27/picasso 27 Jun 2020

We describe a new library named picasso, which implements a unified framework of pathwise coordinate optimization for a variety of sparse learning problems (e. g., sparse linear regression, sparse logistic regression, sparse Poisson regression and scaled sparse linear regression) combined with efficient active set selection strategies.

Fast OSCAR and OWL Regression via Safe Screening Rules

brx18/Fast-OSCAR-and-OWL-Regression-via-Safe-Screening-Rules 29 Jun 2020

Moreover, we prove that the algorithms with our screening rule are guaranteed to have identical results with the original algorithms.

Event Enhanced High-Quality Image Recovery

ShinyWang33/eSL-Net ECCV 2020

To recover high-quality intensity images, one should address both denoising and super-resolution problems for event cameras.

Block-wise Minimization-Majorization algorithm for Huber's criterion: sparse learning and applications

AmmarMian/huber_mm_framework 25 Aug 2020

Huber's criterion can be used for robust joint estimation of regression and scale parameters in the linear model.

Accelerated Gradient Methods for Sparse Statistical Learning with Nonconvex Penalties

kaiyangshi-ito/nonconvexag 22 Sep 2020

A recent proposal generalizes Nesterov's AG method to the nonconvex setting.

KNN Classification with One-step Computation

lijy207/one-step-knn 9 Dec 2020

In this paper, a one-step computation is proposed to replace the lazy part of KNN classification.

Similarity Preserving Unsupervised Feature Selection based on Sparse Learning

mohsengh/SLSP 10th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST) 2020

Various feature selection methods have been recently proposed on different applications to reduce the computational burden of machine learning algorithms as well as the complexity of learned models.