Sequential Place Learning

4 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

State-of-the-art algorithms for route-based place recognition under changing conditions.

Most implemented papers

A Hybrid Compact Neural Architecture for Visual Place Recognition

uditsharma29/flynet-cann 15 Oct 2019

State-of-the-art algorithms for visual place recognition, and related visual navigation systems, can be broadly split into two categories: computer-science-oriented models including deep learning or image retrieval-based techniques with minimal biological plausibility, and neuroscience-oriented dynamical networks that model temporal properties underlying spatial navigation in the brain.

DeepSeqSLAM: A Trainable CNN+RNN for Joint Global Description and Sequence-based Place Recognition

mchancan/deepseqslam 17 Nov 2020

Sequence-based place recognition methods for all-weather navigation are well-known for producing state-of-the-art results under challenging day-night or summer-winter transitions.

SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-based Hierarchical Place Recognition

oravus/seqNet 23 Feb 2021

Visual Place Recognition (VPR) is the task of matching current visual imagery from a camera to images stored in a reference map of the environment.

Sequential Place Learning: Heuristic-Free High-Performance Long-Term Place Recognition

mchancan/deepseqslam 2 Mar 2021

Sequential matching using hand-crafted heuristics has been standard practice in route-based place recognition for enhancing pairwise similarity results for nearly a decade.