Sentence segmentation

19 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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A Latent Topic Modeling approach for Subject Summarization of Research on the Military Art and Science in South Korea

no code yet • 1 Jun 2020

Within the military art and science research articles, many of studies have focused on the empirical examination or theoretically review interests related to military phenomena (e. g., military power, security relations).

Relative Positional Encoding for Speech Recognition and Direct Translation

no code yet • 20 May 2020

We also show that this model is able to better utilize synthetic data than the Transformer, and adapts better to variable sentence segmentation quality for speech translation.

Feature Fusion Strategies for End-to-End Evaluation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Sessions

no code yet • 15 May 2020

We propose a novel method to augment the word-based features with the utterance level tags for subsequent CBT code estimation.

Integration of Automatic Sentence Segmentation and Lexical Analysis of Ancient Chinese based on BiLSTM-CRF Model

no code yet • LREC 2020

The basic tasks of ancient Chinese information processing include automatic sentence segmentation, word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition.

Evaluating Sentence Segmentation in Different Datasets of Neuropsychological Language Tests in Brazilian Portuguese

no code yet • LREC 2020

Automatic analysis of connected speech by natural language processing techniques is a promising direction for diagnosing cognitive impairments.

Fine-Grained Control of Sentence Segmentation and Entity Positioning in Neural NLG

no code yet • WS 2019

The results demonstrate that the position identifiers do constraint the neural model to respect the intended output structure which can be useful in a variety of domains that require the generated text to be in a certain structure.

Classical Chinese Sentence Segmentation for Tomb Biographies of Tang Dynasty

no code yet • 28 Aug 2019

Chinese characters that are and are not followed by a punctuation mark are classified into two categories.

Semi-supervised Thai Sentence Segmentation Using Local and Distant Word Representations

no code yet • 4 Aug 2019

In the Thai sentence segmentation experiments, our model reduced the relative error by 7. 4% and 10. 5% compared with the baseline models on the Orchid and UGWC datasets, respectively.

Corpus Augmentation by Sentence Segmentation for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation

no code yet • 22 May 2019

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has been proven to achieve impressive results.