Sensor Fusion

89 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Sensor fusion is the process of combining sensor data or data derived from disparate sources such that the resulting information has less uncertainty than would be possible when these sources were used individually. [Wikipedia]

Most implemented papers

Detecting Multi-Sensor Fusion Errors in Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

aiasd/fused 14 Sep 2021

We define the failures (e. g., car crashes) caused by the faulty MSF as fusion errors and develop a novel evolutionary-based domain-specific search framework, FusED, for the efficient detection of fusion errors.

The ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application

ApolloScapeAuto/dataset-api 16 Mar 2018

In this paper, we provide a sensor fusion scheme integrating camera videos, consumer-grade motion sensors (GPS/IMU), and a 3D semantic map in order to achieve robust self-localization and semantic segmentation for autonomous driving.

LATTE: Accelerating LiDAR Point Cloud Annotation via Sensor Fusion, One-Click Annotation, and Tracking

bernwang/latte 19 Apr 2019

2) One-click annotation: Instead of drawing 3D bounding boxes or point-wise labels, we simplify the annotation to just one click on the target object, and automatically generate the bounding box for the target.

Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving

autonomousvision/transfuser CVPR 2021

How should representations from complementary sensors be integrated for autonomous driving?

Stein ICP for Uncertainty Estimation in Point Cloud Matching

fafz/stein-icp 7 Jun 2021

Quantification of uncertainty in point cloud matching is critical in many tasks such as pose estimation, sensor fusion, and grasping.

Learning a Joint Embedding of Multiple Satellite Sensors: A Case Study for Lake Ice Monitoring

czarmanu/sentinel_lakeice 19 Jul 2021

Our application problem is the monitoring of lake ice on Alpine lakes.

TransFuser: Imitation with Transformer-Based Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving

autonomousvision/transfuser 31 May 2022

At the time of submission, TransFuser outperforms all prior work on the CARLA leaderboard in terms of driving score by a large margin.

DFR-FastMOT: Detection Failure Resistant Tracker for Fast Multi-Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion

mohamednagymostafa/dfr-fastmot 28 Feb 2023

The proposed solution enables superior performance under various distortion levels in detection over current state-of-art methods.

Radar-Camera Fusion for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Review

Radar-Camera-Fusion/Awesome-Radar-Camera-Fusion 20 Apr 2023

Driven by deep learning techniques, perception technology in autonomous driving has developed rapidly in recent years, enabling vehicles to accurately detect and interpret surrounding environment for safe and efficient navigation.

Autonomous Driving using Residual Sensor Fusion and Deep Reinforcement Learning

CMVS-Lab/SAC-Residual-Fusion-CARLA 27 Dec 2023

This paper proposes a novel approach by integrating sensor fusion with deep reinforcement learning, specifically the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm, to develop an optimal control policy for self-driving cars.