Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation

94 papers with code • 15 benchmarks • 13 datasets

The semi-supervised scenario assumes the user inputs a full mask of the object(s) of interest in the first frame of a video sequence. Methods have to produce the segmentation mask for that object(s) in the subsequent frames.


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Most implemented papers

Accelerating Video Object Segmentation with Compressed Video

kai422/covos CVPR 2022

We propose an efficient plug-and-play acceleration framework for semi-supervised video object segmentation by exploiting the temporal redundancies in videos presented by the compressed bitstream.

Scalable Video Object Segmentation with Identification Mechanism

yoxu515/aot-benchmark 22 Mar 2022

This paper delves into the challenges of achieving scalable and effective multi-object modeling for semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation (VOS).

Decoupling Features in Hierarchical Propagation for Video Object Segmentation

z-x-yang/AOT 18 Oct 2022

To solve such a problem and further facilitate the learning of visual embeddings, this paper proposes a Decoupling Features in Hierarchical Propagation (DeAOT) approach.

Video Object Segmentation in Panoptic Wild Scenes

yoxu515/viposeg-benchmark 8 May 2023

Considering the challenges in panoptic VOS, we propose a strong baseline method named panoptic object association with transformers (PAOT), which uses panoptic identification to associate objects with a pyramid architecture on multiple scales.

SegFlow: Joint Learning for Video Object Segmentation and Optical Flow

JingchunCheng/SegFlow ICCV 2017

This paper proposes an end-to-end trainable network, SegFlow, for simultaneously predicting pixel-wise object segmentation and optical flow in videos.

Efficient Video Object Segmentation via Network Modulation

linjieyangsc/video_seg CVPR 2018

Video object segmentation targets at segmenting a specific object throughout a video sequence, given only an annotated first frame.

A Generative Appearance Model for End-to-end Video Object Segmentation

joakimjohnander/agame-vos CVPR 2019

One of the fundamental challenges in video object segmentation is to find an effective representation of the target and background appearance.

RVOS: End-to-End Recurrent Network for Video Object Segmentation

imatge-upc/rvos CVPR 2019

Multiple object video object segmentation is a challenging task, specially for the zero-shot case, when no object mask is given at the initial frame and the model has to find the objects to be segmented along the sequence.

Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-Consistency of Time

xiaolonw/TimeCycle CVPR 2019

We introduce a self-supervised method for learning visual correspondence from unlabeled video.

BubbleNets: Learning to Select the Guidance Frame in Video Object Segmentation by Deep Sorting Frames

griffbr/BubbleNets CVPR 2019

Semi-supervised video object segmentation has made significant progress on real and challenging videos in recent years.