Semantic Retrieval

18 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Revealing the Importance of Semantic Retrieval for Machine Reading at Scale

easonnie/semanticRetrievalMRS IJCNLP 2019

In this work, we give general guidelines on system design for MRS by proposing a simple yet effective pipeline system with special consideration on hierarchical semantic retrieval at both paragraph and sentence level, and their potential effects on the downstream task.

MedCPT: Contrastive Pre-trained Transformers with Large-scale PubMed Search Logs for Zero-shot Biomedical Information Retrieval

ncbi/medcpt 2 Jul 2023

In response, we introduce MedCPT, a first-of-its-kind Contrastively Pre-trained Transformer model for zero-shot semantic IR in biomedicine.

Sentence Embedding Models for Ancient Greek Using Multilingual Knowledge Distillation

TickleForce/ancient-greek-datasets 24 Aug 2023

In this work, we use a multilingual knowledge distillation approach to train BERT models to produce sentence embeddings for Ancient Greek text.

Semantic query-by-example speech search using visual grounding

kamperh/flickr_semantic_qbe_eval 15 Apr 2019

A number of recent studies have started to investigate how speech systems can be trained on untranscribed speech by leveraging accompanying images at training time.

Contract Discovery: Dataset and a Few-Shot Semantic Retrieval Challenge with Competitive Baselines

applicaai/contract-discovery Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

We propose a new shared task of semantic retrieval from legal texts, in which a so-called contract discovery is to be performed, where legal clauses are extracted from documents, given a few examples of similar clauses from other legal acts.

Deep Unsupervised Image Hashing by Maximizing Bit Entropy

liyunqianggyn/Deep-Unsupervised-Image-Hashing 22 Dec 2020

This layer is shown to minimize a penalized term of the Wasserstein distance between the learned continuous image features and the optimal half-half bit distribution.

Semantic Models for the First-stage Retrieval: A Comprehensive Review

caiyinqiong/Semantic-Retrieval-Models 8 Mar 2021

We believe it is the right time to survey current status, learn from existing methods, and gain some insights for future development.

Evaluation of Audio-Visual Alignments in Visually Grounded Speech Models

khazarkhorrami/VGS_alignment 5 Jul 2021

We compare the alignment performance using our proposed evaluation metrics to the semantic retrieval task commonly used to evaluate VGS models.

Semantic Information Recovery in Wireless Networks

ant-uni-bremen/sinfony 28 Apr 2022

Thus, we model semantics by means of hidden random variables and define the semantic communication task as the data-reduced and reliable transmission of messages over a communication channel such that semantics is best preserved.