Semantic Dependency Parsing

14 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Identify semantic relationships between words in a text using a graph representation.

Latest papers with no code

LyS_ACoruña at SemEval-2022 Task 10: Repurposing Off-the-Shelf Tools for Sentiment Analysis as Semantic Dependency Parsing

no code yet • SemEval (NAACL) 2022

This paper addressed the problem of structured sentiment analysis using a bi-affine semantic dependency parser, large pre-trained language models, and publicly available translation models.

Modeling Label Correlations for Second-Order Semantic Dependency Parsing with Mean-Field Inference

no code yet • 7 Apr 2022

Second-order semantic parsing with end-to-end mean-field inference has been shown good performance.

Multiple Tasks Integration: Tagging, Syntactic and Semantic Parsing as a Single Task

no code yet • EACL 2021

Departing from both sequential pipelines and monotask systems, we propose Multiple Tasks Integration (MTI), a multitask paradigm orthogonal to weight sharing.

Project-then-Transfer: Effective Two-stage Cross-lingual Transfer for Semantic Dependency Parsing

no code yet • EACL 2021

This paper describes the first report on cross-lingual transfer for semantic dependency parsing.

Transition-based Semantic Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks

no code yet • ACL 2020

Transition-based parsers implemented with Pointer Networks have become the new state of the art in dependency parsing, excelling in producing labelled syntactic trees and outperforming graph-based models in this task.

JBNU at MRP 2019: Multi-level Biaffine Attention for Semantic Dependency Parsing

no code yet • CONLL 2019

We propose a unified parsing model using biaffine attention (Dozat and Manning, 2017), consisting of 1) a BERT-BiLSTM encoder and 2) a biaffine attention decoder.

Improving Semantic Dependency Parsing with Syntactic Features

no code yet • WS 2019

We extend a state-of-the-art deep neural architecture for semantic dependency parsing with features defined over syntactic dependency trees.

GCN-Sem at SemEval-2019 Task 1: Semantic Parsing using Graph Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks

no code yet • SEMEVAL 2019

This paper describes the system submitted to the SemEval 2019 shared task 1 {`}Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing with UCCA{'}.

Semantics as a Foreign Language

no code yet • EMNLP 2018

We propose a novel approach to semantic dependency parsing (SDP) by casting the task as an instance of multi-lingual machine translation, where each semantic representation is a different foreign dialect.

Polyglot Semantic Role Labeling

no code yet • ACL 2018

Previous approaches to multilingual semantic dependency parsing treat languages independently, without exploiting the similarities between semantic structures across languages.