Satire Detection

3 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Satire detection consists in detecting when a text is written in a satirical tone and its content shouldn't be interpreted literally.

Most implemented papers

A Multi-Modal Method for Satire Detection using Textual and Visual Cues

lilyli2004/satire NLP4IF (COLING) 2020

Satire is a form of humorous critique, but it is sometimes misinterpreted by readers as legitimate news, which can lead to harmful consequences.

FreSaDa: A French Satire Data Set for Cross-Domain Satire Detection

adrianchifu/FreSaDa 10 Apr 2021

We employ two classification methods as baselines for our new data set, one based on low-level features (character n-grams) and one based on high-level features (average of CamemBERT word embeddings).

SaRoCo: Detecting Satire in a Novel Romanian Corpus of News Articles

MihaelaGaman/SaRoCo ACL 2021

In this work, we introduce a corpus for satire detection in Romanian news.