Sarcasm Detection

63 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 14 datasets

The goal of Sarcasm Detection is to determine whether a sentence is sarcastic or non-sarcastic. Sarcasm is a type of phenomenon with specific perlocutionary effects on the hearer, such as to break their pattern of expectation. Consequently, correct understanding of sarcasm often requires a deep understanding of multiple sources of information, including the utterance, the conversational context, and, frequently some real world facts.

Source: Attentional Multi-Reading Sarcasm Detection


Use these libraries to find Sarcasm Detection models and implementations

KoCoSa: Korean Context-aware Sarcasm Detection Dataset

yu-billie/kocosa_sarcasm_detection 22 Feb 2024

In this paper, we introduce a new dataset for the Korean dialogue sarcasm detection task, KoCoSa (Korean Context-aware Sarcasm Detection Dataset), which consists of 12. 8K daily Korean dialogues and the labels for this task on the last response.

22 Feb 2024

DocMSU: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Document-level Multimodal Sarcasm Understanding

fesvhtr/DocMSU 26 Dec 2023

Multimodal Sarcasm Understanding (MSU) has a wide range of applications in the news field such as public opinion analysis and forgery detection.

26 Dec 2023

Improving Multimodal Classification of Social Media Posts by Leveraging Image-Text Auxiliary Tasks

danaesavi/socialmedia-textimage-classification-auxlosses 14 Sep 2023

However, prior work on multimodal classification of social media posts has not yet addressed these challenges.

14 Sep 2023

MMSD2.0: Towards a Reliable Multi-modal Sarcasm Detection System

joeying1019/mmsd2.0 14 Jul 2023

Multi-modal sarcasm detection has attracted much recent attention.

14 Jul 2023

A big data approach towards sarcasm detection in Russian

passare-ru/passarefunctions 1 Jun 2023

We present a set of deterministic algorithms for Russian inflection and automated text synthesis.

01 Jun 2023

Borrowing Human Senses: Comment-Aware Self-Training for Social Media Multimodal Classification

cpaaax/multimodal_cast 27 Mar 2023

Social media is daily creating massive multimedia content with paired image and text, presenting the pressing need to automate the vision and language understanding for various multimodal classification tasks.

27 Mar 2023

DIP: Dual Incongruity Perceiving Network for Sarcasm Detection

downdric/msd CVPR 2023

The distribution is generated from the latest data stored in the memory bank, which can adaptively model the difference of semantic similarity between sarcastic and non-sarcastic data.

01 Jan 2023

Finetuning for Sarcasm Detection with a Pruned Dataset

priyank96/dataset-pruning-sarcasm-detection 23 Dec 2022

Sarcasm is usually conveyed through tone of voice, facial expressions, or other forms of nonverbal communication, but it can also be indicated by the use of certain words or phrases that are typically associated with irony or humor.

23 Dec 2022

Explaining (Sarcastic) Utterances to Enhance Affect Understanding in Multimodal Dialogues

LCS2-IIITD/MOSES 20 Nov 2022

To this end, we explore the task of Sarcasm Explanation in Dialogues, which aims to unfold the hidden irony behind sarcastic utterances.

20 Nov 2022

Towards Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection via Hierarchical Congruity Modeling with Knowledge Enhancement

less-and-less-bugs/hkemodel 7 Oct 2022

In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical framework for sarcasm detection by exploring both the atomic-level congruity based on multi-head cross attention mechanism and the composition-level congruity based on graph neural networks, where a post with low congruity can be identified as sarcasm.

07 Oct 2022