Saliency Detection

130 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Saliency Detection is a preprocessing step in computer vision which aims at finding salient objects in an image.

Source: An Unsupervised Game-Theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection


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Most implemented papers

Specificity-preserving RGB-D Saliency Detection

taozh2017/RGBD-SODsurvey ICCV 2021

To effectively fuse cross-modal features in the shared learning network, we propose a cross-enhanced integration module (CIM) and then propagate the fused feature to the next layer for integrating cross-level information.

A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Detection via Hybrid Labels

rmcong/Hybrid-Label-SOD_TCSVT2022 7 Sep 2022

In this paper, we focus on a new weakly-supervised SOD task under hybrid labels, where the supervision labels include a large number of coarse labels generated by the traditional unsupervised method and a small number of real labels.

Inner and Inter Label Propagation: Salient Object Detection in the Wild

hli2020/lps_tip15 27 May 2015

For most natural images, some boundary superpixels serve as the background labels and the saliency of other superpixels are determined by ranking their similarities to the boundary labels based on an inner propagation scheme.

Deep Saliency with Encoded Low level Distance Map and High Level Features

gylee1103/SaliencyELD CVPR 2016

Recent advances in saliency detection have utilized deep learning to obtain high level features to detect salient regions in a scene.

Visual Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Deep CNN Features

vlad-winter/FakePapers_NLP_Project 7 Sep 2016

The penultimate layer of our neural network has been confirmed to be a discriminative high-level feature vector for saliency detection, which we call deep contrast feature.

A Deep Spatial Contextual Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Saliency Detection

nian-liu/DSCLRCN 6 Oct 2016

Furthermore, the proposed DSCLSTM model can significantly boost the saliency detection performance by incorporating both global spatial interconnections and scene context modulation, which may uncover novel inspirations for studies on them in computational saliency models.

Non-Local Deep Features for Salient Object Detection

zhimingluo/NLDF CVPR 2017

Saliency detection aims to highlight the most relevant objects in an image.

PiCANet: Learning Pixel-wise Contextual Attention for Saliency Detection

nian-liu/PiCANet CVPR 2018

We formulate the proposed PiCANet in both global and local forms to attend to global and local contexts, respectively.

PDNet: Prior-model Guided Depth-enhanced Network for Salient Object Detection

ChunbiaoZhu/PDNet 23 Mar 2018

One is the lack of tremendous amount of annotated data to train a network.

Hyperspectral Image Dataset for Benchmarking on Salient Object Detection

gistairc/HS-SOD 29 Jun 2018

Many works have been done on salient object detection using supervised or unsupervised approaches on colour images.