Saliency Detection

130 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Saliency Detection is a preprocessing step in computer vision which aims at finding salient objects in an image.

Source: An Unsupervised Game-Theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection


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Most implemented papers

PiCANet: Pixel-wise Contextual Attention Learning for Accurate Saliency Detection

nian-liu/PiCANet 15 Dec 2018

We propose three specific formulations of the PiCANet via embedding the pixel-wise contextual attention mechanism into the pooling and convolution operations with attending to global or local contexts.

Light Field Saliency Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks

pencilzhang/MAC-light-field-saliency-net 19 Jun 2019

Light field imaging presents an attractive alternative to RGB imaging because of the recording of the direction of the incoming light.

Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection

lhaof/fast-salient-object-detection ICCV 2019

In this paper, we develop a multi-task motion guided video salient object detection network, which learns to accomplish two sub-tasks using two sub-networks, one sub-network for salient object detection in still images and the other for motion saliency detection in optical flow images.

Unsupervised Discovery of Interpretable Directions in the GAN Latent Space

anvoynov/GANLatentDiscovery ICML 2020

The latent spaces of GAN models often have semantically meaningful directions.

Accurate RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning

OIPLab-DUT/CoNet ECCV 2020

The explicitly extracted edge information goes together with saliency to give more emphasis to the salient regions and object boundaries.

Joint Correcting and Refinement for Balanced Low-Light Image Enhancement

woshiyll/jcrnet 28 Sep 2023

Specifically, the proposed method, so-called Joint Correcting and Refinement Network (JCRNet), which mainly consists of three stages to balance brightness, color, and illumination of enhancement.

Quantitative Analysis of Automatic Image Cropping Algorithms: A Dataset and Comparative Study

yiling-chen/flickr-cropping-dataset 5 Jan 2017

Automatic photo cropping is an important tool for improving visual quality of digital photos without resorting to tedious manual selection.

A Unified RGB-T Saliency Detection Benchmark: Dataset, Baselines, Analysis and A Novel Approach

jxr326/swinmcnet 11 Jan 2017

In particular, we introduce a weight for each modality to describe the reliability, and integrate them into the graph-based manifold ranking algorithm to achieve adaptive fusion of different source data.

Supervised Saliency Map Driven Segmentation of the Lesions in Dermoscopic Images

mjahanifar/mDRFI_matlab 28 Feb 2017

In order to detect the lesion in the presence of these problems, we propose a supervised saliency detection method tailored for dermoscopic images based on the discriminative regional feature integration (DRFI).

Saliency Detection by Forward and Backward Cues in Deep-CNNs

nevrez/Saliency_BackwardForwardFeatures_VGG16 1 Mar 2017

As prior knowledge of objects or object features helps us make relations for similar objects on attentional tasks, pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be used to detect salient objects on images regardless of the object class is in the network knowledge or not.