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Pretraining with Contrastive Sentence Objectives Improves Discourse Performance of Language Models

google-research/language ACL 2020

Recent models for unsupervised representation learning of text have employed a number of techniques to improve contextual word representations but have put little focus on discourse-level representations.

Design and implementation of an environment for Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN)

MarvinLer/pypownet 6 Apr 2021

This report summarizes work performed as part of an internship at INRIA, in partial requirement for the completion of a master degree in math and informatics.

Figurative Language in Recognizing Textual Entailment

tuhinjubcse/Figurative-NLI Findings (ACL) 2021

We introduce a collection of recognizing textual entailment (RTE) datasets focused on figurative language.

SupCL-Seq: Supervised Contrastive Learning for Downstream Optimized Sequence Representations

hooman650/supcl-seq Findings (EMNLP) 2021

This paper introduces SupCL-Seq, which extends the supervised contrastive learning from computer vision to the optimization of sequence representations in NLP.

CT-ICP: Real-time Elastic LiDAR Odometry with Loop Closure

jedeschaud/ct_icp 27 Sep 2021

Multi-beam LiDAR sensors are increasingly used in robotics, particularly with autonomous cars for localization and perception tasks, both relying on the ability to build a precise map of the environment.

FLUTE: Figurative Language Understanding through Textual Explanations

tuhinjubcse/model-in-the-loop-fig-lang 24 May 2022

Figurative language understanding has been recently framed as a recognizing textual entailment (RTE) task (a. k. a.

Relation-Guided Few-Shot Relational Triple Extraction

congxin95/RelATE SIGIR 2022

To instantiate this strategy, we further propose a model, RelATE, which builds a dual-level attention to aggregate relationrelevant information to detect the relation occurrence and utilizes the annotated samples of the detected relations to extract the corresponding head/tail entities.

Content-aware Scalable Deep Compressed Sensing

guaishou74851/casnet 19 Jul 2022

To more efficiently address image compressed sensing (CS) problems, we present a novel content-aware scalable network dubbed CASNet which collectively achieves adaptive sampling rate allocation, fine granular scalability and high-quality reconstruction.

Reinforcement learning for Energies of the future and carbon neutrality: a Challenge Design

gaetanserre/l2rpn-2022_ppo-baseline 21 Jul 2022

Current rapid changes in climate increase the urgency to change energy production and consumption management, to reduce carbon and other green-house gas production.

Learning to Infer from Unlabeled Data: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Robust Natural Language Inference

msadat3/ssl_for_nli 5 Nov 2022

However, despite its substantial success on single sentence classification tasks where the challenge in making use of unlabeled data is to assign "good enough" pseudo-labels, for NLI tasks, the nature of unlabeled data is more complex: one of the sentences in the pair (usually the hypothesis) along with the class label are missing from the data and require human annotations, which makes SSL for NLI more challenging.