Road Damage Detection

13 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Road damage detection is the task of detecting damage in roads.

( Image credit: Road Damage Detection And Classification In Smartphone Captured Images Using Mask R-CNN )


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Most implemented papers

Computer-Aided Road Inspection: Systems and Algorithms

hlwang1124/AAFramework 4 Mar 2022

Road damage is an inconvenience and a safety hazard, severely affecting vehicle condition, driving comfort, and traffic safety.

RDD2022: A multi-national image dataset for automatic Road Damage Detection

sekilab/RoadDamageDetector 18 Sep 2022

The data article describes the Road Damage Dataset, RDD2022, which comprises 47, 420 road images from six countries, Japan, India, the Czech Republic, Norway, the United States, and China.

InconSeg: Residual-Guided Fusion With Inconsistent Multi-Modal Data for Negative and Positive Road Obstacles Segmentation

lab-sun/inconseg journal 2023

Segmentation of road obstacles, including negative and positive obstacles, is critical to the safe navigation of autonomous vehicles.