Reverse Style Transfer

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Most implemented papers

Self-Contained Stylization via Steganography for Reverse and Serial Style Transfer

IShengFang/Self-Contained_Stylization 10 Dec 2018

Style transfer has been widely applied to give real-world images a new artistic look.

Instagram Filter Removal on Fashionable Images

birdortyedi/instagram-filter-removal-pytorch 11 Apr 2021

However, CNNs generally fail to interpret both the image and its filtered version as the same in the visual analysis of social media images.

Patch-wise Contrastive Style Learning for Instagram Filter Removal

birdortyedi/cifr-pytorch 15 Apr 2022

Assuming these filters substantially inject a piece of additional style information to the social media images, we can formulate the problem of recovering the original versions as a reverse style transfer problem.