Relational Reasoning

148 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 12 datasets

The goal of Relational Reasoning is to figure out the relationships among different entities, such as image pixels, words or sentences, human skeletons or interactive moving agents.

Source: Social-WaGDAT: Interaction-aware Trajectory Prediction via Wasserstein Graph Double-Attention Network


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Most implemented papers

Fast Graph Representation Learning with PyTorch Geometric

rusty1s/pytorch_geometric 6 Mar 2019

We introduce PyTorch Geometric, a library for deep learning on irregularly structured input data such as graphs, point clouds and manifolds, built upon PyTorch.

Generative 3D Part Assembly via Dynamic Graph Learning

hyperplane-lab/Generative-3D-Part-Assembly NeurIPS 2020

Analogous to buying an IKEA furniture, given a set of 3D parts that can assemble a single shape, an intelligent agent needs to perceive the 3D part geometry, reason to propose pose estimations for the input parts, and finally call robotic planning and control routines for actuation.

Learning from Protein Structure with Geometric Vector Perceptrons

drorlab/gvp-pytorch ICLR 2021

Learning on 3D structures of large biomolecules is emerging as a distinct area in machine learning, but there has yet to emerge a unifying network architecture that simultaneously leverages the graph-structured and geometric aspects of the problem domain.

An Insect-Inspired Randomly, Weighted Neural Network with Random Fourier Features For Neuro-Symbolic Relational Learning

jyhong0304/SII 11 Sep 2021

We demonstrate that compared to LTNs, RWFNs can achieve better or similar performance for both object classification and detection of the part-of relations between objects in SII tasks while using much far fewer learnable parameters (1:62 ratio) and a faster learning process (1:2 ratio of running speed).

RLIPv2: Fast Scaling of Relational Language-Image Pre-training

jacobyuan7/rlipv2 ICCV 2023

In this paper, we propose RLIPv2, a fast converging model that enables the scaling of relational pre-training to large-scale pseudo-labelled scene graph data.

Knowledge Graph Completion via Complex Tensor Factorization

ttrouill/complex 22 Feb 2017

In statistical relational learning, knowledge graph completion deals with automatically understanding the structure of large knowledge graphs---labeled directed graphs---and predicting missing relationships---labeled edges.

Know-Evolve: Deep Temporal Reasoning for Dynamic Knowledge Graphs

rstriv/Know-Evolve ICML 2017

The occurrence of a fact (edge) is modeled as a multivariate point process whose intensity function is modulated by the score for that fact computed based on the learned entity embeddings.

Relational recurrent neural networks

L0SG/relational-rnn-pytorch NeurIPS 2018

Memory-based neural networks model temporal data by leveraging an ability to remember information for long periods.

Mapping Natural Language Commands to Web Elements

stanfordnlp/phrasenode EMNLP 2018

The web provides a rich, open-domain environment with textual, structural, and spatial properties.

Compositional Language Understanding with Text-based Relational Reasoning

koustuvsinha/clutrr 7 Nov 2018

Neural networks for natural language reasoning have largely focused on extractive, fact-based question-answering (QA) and common-sense inference.