Point Cloud Registration

184 papers with code • 22 benchmarks • 10 datasets

Point Cloud Registration is a fundamental problem in 3D computer vision and photogrammetry. Given several sets of points in different coordinate systems, the aim of registration is to find the transformation that best aligns all of them into a common coordinate system. Point Cloud Registration plays a significant role in many vision applications such as 3D model reconstruction, cultural heritage management, landslide monitoring and solar energy analysis.

Source: Iterative Global Similarity Points : A robust coarse-to-fine integration solution for pairwise 3D point cloud registration


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3 papers

Most implemented papers

3DMatch: Learning Local Geometric Descriptors from RGB-D Reconstructions

andyzeng/3dmatch-toolbox CVPR 2017

To amass training data for our model, we propose a self-supervised feature learning method that leverages the millions of correspondence labels found in existing RGB-D reconstructions.

SegICP: Integrated Deep Semantic Segmentation and Pose Estimation

Pacific-cyber/KUKA_Catch_Project 5 Mar 2017

Recent robotic manipulation competitions have highlighted that sophisticated robots still struggle to achieve fast and reliable perception of task-relevant objects in complex, realistic scenarios.

PPF-FoldNet: Unsupervised Learning of Rotation Invariant 3D Local Descriptors

XuyangBai/PPF-FoldNet ECCV 2018

We present PPF-FoldNet for unsupervised learning of 3D local descriptors on pure point cloud geometry.

The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities

zgojcic/3DSmoothNet CVPR 2019

Our approach is sensor- and sceneagnostic because of SDV, LRF and learning highly descriptive features with fully convolutional layers.

SampleNet: Differentiable Point Cloud Sampling

itailang/SampleNet CVPR 2020

As the size of the point cloud grows, so do the computational demands of these tasks.

Nonparametric Continuous Sensor Registration

maanighaffari/c-sensor-registration 8 Jan 2020

The functions can be defined on arbitrary smooth manifolds where the action of a Lie group aligns them.

Learning multiview 3D point cloud registration

zgojcic/3D_multiview_reg CVPR 2020

We present a novel, end-to-end learnable, multiview 3D point cloud registration algorithm.

D3Feat: Joint Learning of Dense Detection and Description of 3D Local Features

XuyangBai/D3Feat CVPR 2020

In this paper, we leverage a 3D fully convolutional network for 3D point clouds, and propose a novel and practical learning mechanism that densely predicts both a detection score and a description feature for each 3D point.

Deep Global Registration

chrischoy/DeepGlobalRegistration CVPR 2020

We present Deep Global Registration, a differentiable framework for pairwise registration of real-world 3D scans.

DVI: Depth Guided Video Inpainting for Autonomous Driving

sibozhang/Depth-Guided-Inpainting ECCV 2020

To get clear street-view and photo-realistic simulation in autonomous driving, we present an automatic video inpainting algorithm that can remove traffic agents from videos and synthesize missing regions with the guidance of depth/point cloud.