Paraphrase Identification

72 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 17 datasets

The goal of Paraphrase Identification is to determine whether a pair of sentences have the same meaning.

Source: Adversarial Examples with Difficult Common Words for Paraphrase Identification

Image source: On Paraphrase Identification Corpora


Use these libraries to find Paraphrase Identification models and implementations

Memory-efficient Stochastic methods for Memory-based Transformers

vishwajit-vishnu/memory-efficient-stochastic-methods-for-memory-based-transformers 14 Nov 2023

Training Memory-based transformers can require a large amount of memory and can be quite inefficient.

14 Nov 2023

SplitEE: Early Exit in Deep Neural Networks with Split Computing

Div290/SplitEE 17 Sep 2023

To overcome the issue, various approaches are considered, like offloading part of the computation to the cloud for final inference (split computing) or performing the inference at an intermediary layer without passing through all layers (early exits).

17 Sep 2023

Do Multilingual Language Models Think Better in English?

juletx/self-translate 2 Aug 2023

In this work, we introduce a new approach called self-translate, which overcomes the need of an external translation system by leveraging the few-shot translation capabilities of multilingual language models.

02 Aug 2023

Is Prompt-Based Finetuning Always Better than Vanilla Finetuning? Insights from Cross-Lingual Language Understanding

boleima/profit 15 Jul 2023

We conduct comprehensive experiments on diverse cross-lingual language understanding tasks (sentiment classification, paraphrase identification, and natural language inference) and empirically analyze the variation trends of prompt-based finetuning performance in cross-lingual transfer across different few-shot and full-data settings.

15 Jul 2023

Assessing Word Importance Using Models Trained for Semantic Tasks

j4vorsky/word-importance 31 May 2023

Many NLP tasks require to automatically identify the most significant words in a text.

31 May 2023

Cross-functional Analysis of Generalisation in Behavioural Learning

peluz/beluga 22 May 2023

In behavioural testing, system functionalities underrepresented in the standard evaluation setting (with a held-out test set) are validated through controlled input-output pairs.

22 May 2023

Co-Driven Recognition of Semantic Consistency via the Fusion of Transformer and HowNet Sememes Knowledge

platanus-hy/sememes_codriven_text_matching 21 Feb 2023

Multi-level encoding of internal sentence structures via data-driven is carried out firstly by Transformer, sememes knowledge base HowNet is introduced for knowledge-driven to model the semantic knowledge association among sentence pairs.

21 Feb 2023

Improving word mover's distance by leveraging self-attention matrix

ymgw55/WSMD 11 Nov 2022

The proposed method is based on the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which simultaneously considers the similarity of the word embedding and the SAM for calculating the optimal transport between two sentences.

11 Nov 2022

Scaling Instruction-Finetuned Language Models

google-research/flan 20 Oct 2022

We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation).

20 Oct 2022

Balanced Adversarial Training: Balancing Tradeoffs between Fickleness and Obstinacy in NLP Models

hannahxchen/balanced-adversarial-training 20 Oct 2022

Traditional (fickle) adversarial examples involve finding a small perturbation that does not change an input's true label but confuses the classifier into outputting a different prediction.

20 Oct 2022