Panoptic Segmentation

214 papers with code • 24 benchmarks • 32 datasets

Panoptic Segmentation is a computer vision task that combines semantic segmentation and instance segmentation to provide a comprehensive understanding of the scene. The goal of panoptic segmentation is to segment the image into semantically meaningful parts or regions, while also detecting and distinguishing individual instances of objects within those regions. In a given image, every pixel is assigned a semantic label, and pixels belonging to "things" classes (countable objects with instances, like cars and people) are assigned unique instance IDs. ( Image credit: Detectron2 )


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Most implemented papers

ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation

sacmehta/ESPNet ECCV 2018

We introduce a fast and efficient convolutional neural network, ESPNet, for semantic segmentation of high resolution images under resource constraints.

CenterMask : Real-Time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation

youngwanLEE/CenterMask arXiv 2019

We hope that CenterMask and VoVNetV2 can serve as a solid baseline of real-time instance segmentation and backbone network for various vision tasks, respectively.

Hierarchical Multi-Scale Attention for Semantic Segmentation

NVIDIA/semantic-segmentation 21 May 2020

Multi-scale inference is commonly used to improve the results of semantic segmentation.

Fully Convolutional Networks for Panoptic Segmentation

yanwei-li/PanopticFCN CVPR 2021

In this paper, we present a conceptually simple, strong, and efficient framework for panoptic segmentation, called Panoptic FCN.

Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation

facebookresearch/Mask2Former CVPR 2022

While only the semantics of each task differ, current research focuses on designing specialized architectures for each task.

Focal Modulation Networks

microsoft/FocalNet 22 Mar 2022

For semantic segmentation with UPerNet, FocalNet base at single-scale outperforms Swin by 2. 4, and beats Swin at multi-scale (50. 5 v. s.

Seamless Scene Segmentation

mapillary/seamseg CVPR 2019

In this work we introduce a novel, CNN-based architecture that can be trained end-to-end to deliver seamless scene segmentation results.

Axial-DeepLab: Stand-Alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation

google-research/deeplab2 ECCV 2020

In this paper, we attempt to remove this constraint by factorizing 2D self-attention into two 1D self-attentions.

Mask2Former for Video Instance Segmentation

facebookresearch/Mask2Former 20 Dec 2021

We find Mask2Former also achieves state-of-the-art performance on video instance segmentation without modifying the architecture, the loss or even the training pipeline.