Panoptic Segmentation

213 papers with code • 24 benchmarks • 32 datasets

Panoptic Segmentation is a computer vision task that combines semantic segmentation and instance segmentation to provide a comprehensive understanding of the scene. The goal of panoptic segmentation is to segment the image into semantically meaningful parts or regions, while also detecting and distinguishing individual instances of objects within those regions. In a given image, every pixel is assigned a semantic label, and pixels belonging to "things" classes (countable objects with instances, like cars and people) are assigned unique instance IDs. ( Image credit: Detectron2 )


Use these libraries to find Panoptic Segmentation models and implementations

DVIS++: Improved Decoupled Framework for Universal Video Segmentation

zhang-tao-whu/DVIS_Plus 20 Dec 2023

We present the \textbf{D}ecoupled \textbf{VI}deo \textbf{S}egmentation (DVIS) framework, a novel approach for the challenging task of universal video segmentation, including video instance segmentation (VIS), video semantic segmentation (VSS), and video panoptic segmentation (VPS).

20 Dec 2023

MaskConver: Revisiting Pure Convolution Model for Panoptic Segmentation

tensorflow/models 11 Dec 2023

With ResNet50 backbone, our MaskConver achieves 53. 6% PQ on the COCO panoptic val set, outperforming the modern convolution-based model, Panoptic FCN, by 9. 3% as well as transformer-based models such as Mask2Former (+1. 7% PQ) and kMaX-DeepLab (+0. 6% PQ).

11 Dec 2023

GIVT: Generative Infinite-Vocabulary Transformers

google-research/big_vision 4 Dec 2023

We introduce generative infinite-vocabulary transformers (GIVT) which generate vector sequences with real-valued entries, instead of discrete tokens from a finite vocabulary.

04 Dec 2023

Aligning and Prompting Everything All at Once for Universal Visual Perception

shenyunhang/ape 4 Dec 2023

However, predominant paradigms, driven by casting instance-level tasks as an object-word alignment, bring heavy cross-modality interaction, which is not effective in prompting object detection and visual grounding.

04 Dec 2023

MaXTron: Mask Transformer with Trajectory Attention for Video Panoptic Segmentation

tacju/maxtron 30 Nov 2023

To alleviate the issue, we propose to adapt the trajectory attention for both the dense pixel features and object queries, aiming to improve the short-term and long-term tracking results, respectively.

30 Nov 2023

Panoptic Video Scene Graph Generation

jingkang50/openpvsg CVPR 2023

PVSG relates to the existing video scene graph generation (VidSGG) problem, which focuses on temporal interactions between humans and objects grounded with bounding boxes in videos.

28 Nov 2023

OneFormer3D: One Transformer for Unified Point Cloud Segmentation

oneformer3d/oneformer3d 24 Nov 2023

Semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation of 3D point clouds have been addressed using task-specific models of distinct design.

24 Nov 2023

Center Focusing Network for Real-Time LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation

gangzhang842/cfnet CVPR 2023

LiDAR panoptic segmentation facilitates an autonomous vehicle to comprehensively understand the surrounding objects and scenes and is required to run in real time.

16 Nov 2023

Lidar Panoptic Segmentation and Tracking without Bells and Whistles

abhinavagarwalla/most-lps 19 Oct 2023

Our network is modular by design and optimized for all aspects of both the panoptic segmentation and tracking task.

19 Oct 2023