Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

11 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Parametric Classification for Generalized Category Discovery: A Baseline Study

cvmi-lab/simgcd ICCV 2023

Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) aims to discover novel categories in unlabelled datasets using knowledge learned from labelled samples.

Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

snap-stanford/orca ICLR 2022

Here, we introduce a novel open-world semi-supervised learning setting that formalizes the notion that novel classes may appear in the unlabeled test data.

Generalized Category Discovery

sgvaze/generalized-category-discovery CVPR 2022

Here, the unlabelled images may come from labelled classes or from novel ones.

Towards Realistic Semi-Supervised Learning

nayeemrizve/trssl 5 Jul 2022

We also highlight the flexibility of our approach in solving novel class discovery task, demonstrate its stability in dealing with imbalanced data, and complement our approach with a technique to estimate the number of novel classes

OpenLDN: Learning to Discover Novel Classes for Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

nayeemrizve/openldn 5 Jul 2022

In the open-world SSL problem, the objective is to recognize samples of known classes, and simultaneously detect and cluster samples belonging to novel classes present in unlabeled data.

Bridging the Gap: Learning Pace Synchronization for Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

yebo0216best/lps-main 21 Sep 2023

In open-world semi-supervised learning, a machine learning model is tasked with uncovering novel categories from unlabeled data while maintaining performance on seen categories from labeled data.

Discover and Align Taxonomic Context Priors for Open-world Semi-Supervised Learning

rain305f/tida 21 Sep 2023

It allows us to discover multi-granularity semantic concepts as taxonomic context priors (i. e., sub-class, target-class, and super-class), and then collaboratively leverage them to enhance representation learning and improve the quality of pseudo labels.

Discover and Align Taxonomic Context Priors for Open-world Semi-Supervised Learning

rain305f/tida NeurIPS 2023

It allows us to discover multi-granularity semantic concepts as taxonomic context priors (i. e., sub-class, target-class, and super-class), and then collaboratively leverage them to enhance representation learning and improve the quality of pseudo labels.

A Graph-Theoretic Framework for Understanding Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

deeplearning-wisc/sorl NeurIPS 2023

Open-world semi-supervised learning aims at inferring both known and novel classes in unlabeled data, by harnessing prior knowledge from a labeled set with known classes.

Robust Semi-Supervised Learning for Self-learning Open-World Classes

njustkmg/ssoc 15 Jan 2024

Existing semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods assume that labeled and unlabeled data share the same class space.