open-set classification

14 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Robust open-set classification for encrypted traffic fingerprinting

ThiliniDahanayaka/Open-Set-Traffic-Classification Elsevier Computer Networks Journal 2023

First, we show that a well-regularized deep learning model improves the open-set classification and then we propose a novel open-set classification method with three variants that perform consistently over multiple datasets.

IOMatch: Simplifying Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Joint Inliers and Outliers Utilization

nukezil/iomatch ICCV 2023

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) aims to leverage massive unlabeled data when labels are expensive to obtain.

Open-Set Face Recognition with Maximal Entropy and Objectosphere Loss

rafaelvareto/maximal-entropy-loss 1 Nov 2023

MEL modifies the traditional Cross-Entropy loss in favor of increasing the entropy for negative samples and attaches a penalty to known target classes in pursuance of gallery specialization.

Infinite dSprites for Disentangled Continual Learning: Separating Memory Edits from Generalization

sbdzdz/disco 27 Dec 2023

In a simple setting with direct supervision on the generative factors, we show how learning class-agnostic transformations offers a way to circumvent catastrophic forgetting and improve classification accuracy over time.