Open Intent Discovery

4 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Open intent discovery aims to leverage limited prior knowledge of known intents to find fine-grained known and open intent-wise clusters.

Most implemented papers

Discovering New Intents with Deep Aligned Clustering

thuiar/DeepAligned-Clustering 16 Dec 2020

In this work, we propose an effective method, Deep Aligned Clustering, to discover new intents with the aid of the limited known intent data.

TEXTOIR: An Integrated and Visualized Platform for Text Open Intent Recognition

thuiar/textoir ACL 2021

It is composed of two main modules: open intent detection and open intent discovery.

Discovering New Intents via Constrained Deep Adaptive Clustering with Cluster Refinement

thuiar/CDAC-plus 20 Nov 2019

Identifying new user intents is an essential task in the dialogue system.

Open Intent Discovery through Unsupervised Semantic Clustering and Dependency Parsing

ppfliu/open-intent-discovery 25 Apr 2021

This paper presents an unsupervised two-stage approach to discover intents and generate meaningful intent labels automatically from a collection of unlabeled utterances in a domain.