Open-Domain Dialog

32 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 11 datasets

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Self-attention Comparison Module for Boosting Performance on Retrieval-based Open-Domain Dialog Systems

no code yet • 21 Dec 2020

Since the pre-trained language models are widely used, retrieval-based open-domain dialog systems, have attracted considerable attention from researchers recently.

Topic-relevant Response Generation using Optimal Transport for an Open-domain Dialog System

no code yet • COLING 2020

The semantic constraint, which encourages a response to be semantically related to its context by regularizing the decoding objective function with semantic distance, is proposed.

Non-Autoregressive Neural Dialogue Generation

no code yet • 11 Feb 2020

Unfortunately, under the framework of the \sts model, direct decoding from $\log p(y|x) + \log p(x|y)$ is infeasible since the second part (i. e., $p(x|y)$) requires the completion of target generation before it can be computed, and the search space for $y$ is enormous.

Way Off-Policy Batch Deep Reinforcement Learning of Human Preferences in Dialog

no code yet • ICLR 2020

This is a critical shortcoming for applying RL to real-world problems where collecting data is expensive, and models must be tested offline before being deployed to interact with the environment -- e. g. systems that learn from human interaction.

Deep Reinforcement Learning For Modeling Chit-Chat Dialog With Discrete Attributes

no code yet • WS 2019

Open domain dialog systems face the challenge of being repetitive and producing generic responses.

ChatEval: A Tool for Chatbot Evaluation

no code yet • NAACL 2019

We introduce a unified framework for human evaluation of chatbots that augments existing tools and provides a web-based hub for researchers to share and compare their dialog systems.

Challenges in Building Intelligent Open-domain Dialog Systems

no code yet • 13 May 2019

This paper reviews the recent works on neural approaches that are devoted to addressing three challenges in developing such systems: semantics, consistency, and interactiveness.

Towards Coherent and Engaging Spoken Dialog Response Generation Using Automatic Conversation Evaluators

no code yet • WS 2019

Having explicit feedback on the relevance and interestingness of a system response at each turn can be a useful signal for mitigating such issues and improving system quality by selecting responses from different approaches.

Advancing the State of the Art in Open Domain Dialog Systems through the Alexa Prize

no code yet • 27 Dec 2018

In the second iteration of the competition in 2018, university teams advanced the state of the art by using context in dialog models, leveraging knowledge graphs for language understanding, handling complex utterances, building statistical and hierarchical dialog managers, and leveraging model-driven signals from user responses.

On Evaluating and Comparing Open Domain Dialog Systems

no code yet • 11 Jan 2018

In this paper, we propose a comprehensive evaluation strategy with multiple metrics designed to reduce subjectivity by selecting metrics which correlate well with human judgement.