Novel Object Detection

21 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Novel Object Detection is a challenging task introduced by Fomenko in their paper "Learning to Discover and Detect Objects". The goal in this task is to measure mAP performance on known as well as novel classes, where the known classes correspond to the 80 COCO classes, and the novel classes are the remaining 1123 classes from LVIS dataset. Thus, during training the model can only be trained with annotations from COCO dataset, but during evaluation/inference it is expected to BOTH classify and detect objects belonging to ALL the classes in the LVIS dataset.


Most implemented papers

CoDeNet: Efficient Deployment of Input-Adaptive Object Detection on Embedded FPGAs

DequanWang/CoDeNet 12 Jun 2020

Deploying deep learning models on embedded systems has been challenging due to limited computing resources.

Grid R-CNN

open-mmlab/mmdetection CVPR 2019

This paper proposes a novel object detection framework named Grid R-CNN, which adopts a grid guided localization mechanism for accurate object detection.

T-CNN: Tubelets with Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection from Videos

myfavouritekk/T-CNN 9 Apr 2016

Temporal and contextual information of videos are not fully investigated and utilized.

Geometry-Based Region Proposals for Real-Time Robot Detection of Tabletop Objects

asbroad/geom_rcnn 14 Mar 2017

We present a novel object detection pipeline for localization and recognition in three dimensional environments.

CAD-Net: A Context-Aware Detection Network for Objects in Remote Sensing Imagery

ZhangGongjie/CAD-Net 3 Mar 2019

This paper presents a novel object detection network (CAD-Net) that exploits attention-modulated features as well as global and local contexts to address the new challenges in detecting objects from remote sensing images.

Learning to Detect and Retrieve Objects from Unlabeled Videos

Yan107351111/SSOD 27 May 2019

In this work, we propose to exploit the natural correlation in narrations and the visual presence of objects in video, to learn an object detector and retrieval without any manual labeling involved.

Automatic Signboard Detection and Localization in Densely Populated Developing Cities

sadrultoaha/signboard-detection 4 Mar 2020

We have taken an incremental approach in reaching our final proposed method through detailed evaluation and comparison with baselines using our constructed SVSO (Street View Signboard Objects) signboard dataset containing signboard natural scene images of six developing countries.

Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning

snap-stanford/orca ICLR 2022

Here, we introduce a novel open-world semi-supervised learning setting that formalizes the notion that novel classes may appear in the unlabeled test data.

Universal-Prototype Enhancing for Few-Shot Object Detection

amingwu/up-fsod ICCV 2021

Thus, we develop a new framework of few-shot object detection with universal prototypes ({FSOD}^{up}) that owns the merit of feature generalization towards novel objects.

Instance Segmentation of Microscopic Foraminifera

thomasjo/nemo-redux 15 May 2021

The model achieves a (COCO-style) average precision of $0. 78 \pm 0. 00$ on the classification and detection task, and $0. 80 \pm 0. 00$ on the segmentation task.