New Product Sales Forecasting

3 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Sales forecasting of new product, which the market hasn’t seen before.

Most implemented papers

Well Googled is Half Done: Multimodal Forecasting of New Fashion Product Sales with Image-based Google Trends

humaticslab/gtm-transformer 20 Sep 2021

In particular, we propose a neural network-based approach, where an encoder learns a representation of the exogenous time series, while the decoder forecasts the sales based on the Google Trends encoding and the available visual and metadata information.

POP: Mining POtential Performance of new fashion products via webly cross-modal query expansion

humaticslab/pop-mining-potential-performance 22 Jul 2022

We propose a data-centric pipeline able to generate exogenous observation data for the New Fashion Product Performance Forecasting (NFPPF) problem, i. e., predicting the performance of a brand-new clothing probe with no available past observations.