Network Embedding

153 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Network Embedding, also known as "Network Representation Learning", is a collective term for techniques for mapping graph nodes to vectors of real numbers in a multidimensional space. To be useful, a good embedding should preserve the structure of the graph. The vectors can then be used as input to various network and graph analysis tasks, such as link prediction

Source: Tutorial on NLP-Inspired Network Embedding


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Most implemented papers

Sub-graph Contrast for Scalable Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning

yzjiao/Subg-Con 22 Sep 2020

Instead of learning on the complete input graph data, with a novel data augmentation strategy, \textsc{Subg-Con} learns node representations through a contrastive loss defined based on subgraphs sampled from the original graph instead.

Robust Dynamic Network Embedding via Ensembles

houchengbin/GloDyNE 30 May 2021

It is natural to ask if existing DNE methods can perform well for an input dynamic network without smooth changes.

Name Disambiguation in Anonymized Graphs using Network Embedding

tangjianpku/LINE 8 Feb 2017

In real-world, our DNA is unique but many people share names.

Font Size: Community Preserving Network Embedding

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub AAAI 2017

While previous network embedding methods primarily preserve the microscopic structure, such as the first- and second-order proximities of nodes, the mesoscopic community structure, which is one of the most prominent feature of networks, is largely ignored.

Enhancing Network Embedding with Auxiliary Information: An Explicit Matrix Factorization Perspective

lemmonation/APNE 11 Nov 2017

In this paper, we take a matrix factorization perspective of network embedding, and incorporate structure, content and label information of the network simultaneously.

Learning Role-based Graph Embeddings

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub IJCAI 2018

Random walks are at the heart of many existing network embedding methods.

Fast Sequence Based Embedding with Diffusion Graphs

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub CompleNet 2018

A graph embedding is a representation of the vertices of a graph in a low dimensional space, which approximately preserves proper-ties such as distances between nodes.

Fusing Structure and Content via Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Embedding Information Networks

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub arXiv 2018

It is not straightforward to integrate the content of each node in the current state-of-the-art network embedding methods.

Billion-scale Network Embedding with Iterative Random Projection

ZW-ZHANG/RandNE 7 May 2018

Network embedding, which learns low-dimensional vector representation for nodes in the network, has attracted considerable research attention recently.

Multi-Level Network Embedding with Boosted Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

benedekrozemberczki/karateclub ASONAM 2019 2019

As opposed to manual feature engineering which is tedious and difficult to scale, network representation learning has attracted a surge of research interests as it automates the process of feature learning on graphs.