Multi-Person Pose Estimation

81 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 7 datasets

Multi-person pose estimation is the task of estimating the pose of multiple people in one frame.

( Image credit: Human Pose Estimation with TensorFlow )


Use these libraries to find Multi-Person Pose Estimation models and implementations

Greedy Offset-Guided Keypoint Grouping for Human Pose Estimation

hellojialee/OffsetGuided 7 Jul 2021

Given an image, we employ an Hourglass Network to infer all the keypoints from different persons indiscriminately as well as the guiding offsets connecting the adjacent keypoints belonging to the same persons.

07 Jul 2021

HPRNet: Hierarchical Point Regression for Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation

nerminsamet/HPRNet 8 Jun 2021

Differently, in whole-body pose estimation, the locations of fine-grained keypoints (68 on face, 21 on each hand and 3 on each foot) are estimated as well, which creates a scale variance problem that needs to be addressed.

08 Jun 2021

FCPose: Fully Convolutional Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Dynamic Instance-Aware Convolutions

aim-uofa/AdelaiDet CVPR 2021

We propose a fully convolutional multi-person pose estimation framework using dynamic instance-aware convolutions, termed FCPose.

29 May 2021

Learning Spatial Context with Graph Neural Network for Multi-Person Pose Grouping

jiahaoLjh/PoseGrouping 6 Apr 2021

More specifically, we design a Geometry-aware Association GNN that utilizes spatial information of the keypoints and learns local affinity from the global context.

06 Apr 2021

Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks

3dpose/3D-Multi-Person-Pose CVPR 2021

Besides the integration of top-down and bottom-up networks, unlike existing pose discriminators that are designed solely for single person, and consequently cannot assess natural inter-person interactions, we propose a two-person pose discriminator that enforces natural two-person interactions.

05 Apr 2021

Deep Dual Consecutive Network for Human Pose Estimation

Pose-Group/DCPose CVPR 2021

Multi-frame human pose estimation in complicated situations is challenging.

12 Mar 2021

Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Representation Learning for Instance-Aware Human Semantic Parsing

tfzhou/MG-HumanParsing CVPR 2021

To address the challenging task of instance-aware human part parsing, a new bottom-up regime is proposed to learn category-level human semantic segmentation as well as multi-person pose estimation in a joint and end-to-end manner.

08 Mar 2021

OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association

openpifpaf/openpifpaf 3 Mar 2021

We present a generic neural network architecture that uses Composite Fields to detect and construct a spatio-temporal pose which is a single, connected graph whose nodes are the semantic keypoints (e. g., a person's body joints) in multiple frames.

03 Mar 2021

Multi-Instance Pose Networks: Rethinking Top-Down Pose Estimation

rawalkhirodkar/MIPNet ICCV 2021

Specifically, we achieve 70. 0 AP on CrowdPose and 42. 5 AP on OCHuman test sets, a significant improvement of 2. 4 AP and 6. 5 AP over the prior art, respectively.

27 Jan 2021

Iterative Greedy Matching for 3D Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Views

jutanke/mv3dpose 24 Jan 2021

In this work we propose an approach for estimating 3D human poses of multiple people from a set of calibrated cameras.

24 Jan 2021