Multi-hop Question Answering

57 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Dynamic Semantic Graph Construction and Reasoning for Explainable Multi-hop Science Question Answering

wwxu21/AMR-SG Findings (ACL) 2021

Our framework contains three new ideas: (a) {\tt AMR-SG}, an AMR-based Semantic Graph, constructed by candidate fact AMRs to uncover any hop relations among question, answer and multiple facts.

Combining Lexical and Dense Retrieval for Computationally Efficient Multi-hop Question Answering

gsidiropoulos/hybrid_retrieval_for_efficient_qa EMNLP (sustainlp) 2021

In simple open-domain question answering (QA), dense retrieval has become one of the standard approaches for retrieving the relevant passages to infer an answer.

Hybrid Autoregressive Inference for Scalable Multi-hop Explanation Regeneration

ai-systems/hybrid_autoregressive_inference 25 Jul 2021

Regenerating natural language explanations in the scientific domain has been proposed as a benchmark to evaluate complex multi-hop and explainable inference.

Improving Embedded Knowledge Graph Multi-hop Question Answering by introducing Relational Chain Reasoning

albert-jin/rce-kgqa 25 Oct 2021

Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) aims to answer user-questions from a knowledge graph (KG) by identifying the reasoning relations between topic entity and answer.

Teaching Humans When To Defer to a Classifier via Exemplars

clinicalml/teaching-to-understand-ai 22 Nov 2021

For this collaboration to perform properly, the human decision maker must have a mental model of when and when not to rely on the agent.

QA4QG: Using Question Answering to Constrain Multi-Hop Question Generation

zeaver/multifactor 14 Feb 2022

Multi-hop question generation (MQG) aims to generate complex questions which require reasoning over multiple pieces of information of the input passage.

Reasoning over Public and Private Data in Retrieval-Based Systems

facebookresearch/concurrentqa 14 Mar 2022

We first define the PUBLIC-PRIVATE AUTOREGRESSIVE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (PAIR) privacy framework for the novel retrieval setting over multiple privacy scopes.

Locate Then Ask: Interpretable Stepwise Reasoning for Multi-hop Question Answering

wangsygit/stepwiseqa COLING 2022

In this paper, we propose an interpretable stepwise reasoning framework to incorporate both single-hop supporting sentence identification and single-hop question generation at each intermediate step, and utilize the inference of the current hop for the next until reasoning out the final result.

UniKGQA: Unified Retrieval and Reasoning for Solving Multi-hop Question Answering Over Knowledge Graph

rucaibox/unikgqa 2 Dec 2022

Multi-hop Question Answering over Knowledge Graph~(KGQA) aims to find the answer entities that are multiple hops away from the topic entities mentioned in a natural language question on a large-scale Knowledge Graph (KG).

Enhancing Multi-modal and Multi-hop Question Answering via Structured Knowledge and Unified Retrieval-Generation

HITsz-TMG/SKURG 16 Dec 2022

Moreover, the pipelined approaches of retrieval and generation might result in poor generation performance when retrieval performance is low.