Multi-class Classification

234 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 12 datasets

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Boosting Prompt-Based Self-Training With Mapping-Free Automatic Verbalizer for Multi-Class Classification

yookyungkho/mav 8 Dec 2023

Recently, prompt-based fine-tuning has garnered considerable interest as a core technique for few-shot text classification task.

08 Dec 2023

Llama Guard: LLM-based Input-Output Safeguard for Human-AI Conversations

lastmile-ai/aiconfig 7 Dec 2023

We introduce Llama Guard, an LLM-based input-output safeguard model geared towards Human-AI conversation use cases.

07 Dec 2023

Improving Bias Mitigation through Bias Experts in Natural Language Understanding

jej127/bias-experts 6 Dec 2023

To mitigate the detrimental effect of the bias on the networks, previous works have proposed debiasing methods that down-weight the biased examples identified by an auxiliary model, which is trained with explicit bias labels.

06 Dec 2023

Exponentially Convergent Algorithms for Supervised Matrix Factorization

ljw9510/smf NeurIPS 2023

Supervised matrix factorization (SMF) is a classical machine learning method that simultaneously seeks feature extraction and classification tasks, which are not necessarily a priori aligned objectives.

18 Nov 2023

Auto deep learning for bioacoustic signals

giuliotosato/autokeras-bioacustic 8 Nov 2023

This study investigates the potential of automated deep learning to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of multi-class classification of bird vocalizations, compared against traditional manually-designed deep learning models.

08 Nov 2023

Understanding Deep Representation Learning via Layerwise Feature Compression and Discrimination

heimine/pnc_dln 6 Nov 2023

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantitative characterization of feature evolution in hierarchical representations of deep linear networks.

06 Nov 2023

Learning Robust Sequential Recommenders through Confident Soft Labels

furyton/csrec 4 Nov 2023

CSRec contains a teacher module that generates high-quality and confident soft labels and a student module that acts as the target recommender and is trained on the combination of dense, soft labels and sparse, one-hot labels.

04 Nov 2023

Towards Machine Unlearning Benchmarks: Forgetting the Personal Identities in Facial Recognition Systems

ndb796/machineunlearning 3 Nov 2023

Recently, various studies have presented machine unlearning algorithms and evaluated their methods on several datasets.

03 Nov 2023

Invariant-Feature Subspace Recovery: A New Class of Provable Domain Generalization Algorithms

facebookresearch/InvarianceUnitTests 2 Nov 2023

First, in the binary classification setup of Rosenfeld et al. (2021), we show that our first algorithm, ISR-Mean, can identify the subspace spanned by invariant features from the first-order moments of the class-conditional distributions, and achieve provable domain generalization with $d_s+1$ training environments.

02 Nov 2023

Efficient Machine Learning Ensemble Methods for Detecting Gravitational Wave Glitches in LIGO Time Series

ds4ai-upb/ml4gw 2 Nov 2023

The phenomenon of Gravitational Wave (GW) analysis has grown in popularity as technology has advanced and the process of observing gravitational waves has become more precise.

02 Nov 2023