Molecule Captioning

12 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Molecular description generation entails the creation of a detailed textual depiction illuminating the structure, properties, biological activity, and applications of a molecule based on its molecular descriptors. It furnishes chemists and biologists with a swift conduit to essential molecular information, thus efficiently guiding their research and experiments.


Most implemented papers

Towards 3D Molecule-Text Interpretation in Language Models

lsh0520/3d-molm 25 Jan 2024

Through 3D molecule-text alignment and 3D molecule-centric instruction tuning, 3D-MoLM establishes an integration of 3D molecular encoder and LM.

BioT5+: Towards Generalized Biological Understanding with IUPAC Integration and Multi-task Tuning

QizhiPei/BioT5 27 Feb 2024

However, previous efforts like BioT5 faced challenges in generalizing across diverse tasks and lacked a nuanced understanding of molecular structures, particularly in their textual representations (e. g., IUPAC).