Meta Reinforcement Learning

88 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Meta reinforcement learning as task inference

lmzintgraf/varibad 15 May 2019

This includes proposals to learn the learning algorithm itself, an idea also known as meta learning.

Loaded DiCE: Trading off Bias and Variance in Any-Order Score Function Estimators for Reinforcement Learning

oxwhirl/loaded-dice 23 Sep 2019

Gradient-based methods for optimisation of objectives in stochastic settings with unknown or intractable dynamics require estimators of derivatives.

Loaded DiCE: Trading off Bias and Variance in Any-Order Score Function Gradient Estimators for Reinforcement Learning

oxwhirl/loaded-dice NeurIPS 2019

Gradient-based methods for optimisation of objectives in stochastic settings with unknown or intractable dynamics require estimators of derivatives.

Meta Reinforcement Learning with Autonomous Inference of Subtask Dependencies

srsohn/msgi ICLR 2020

We propose and address a novel few-shot RL problem, where a task is characterized by a subtask graph which describes a set of subtasks and their dependencies that are unknown to the agent.

On the Convergence Theory of Debiased Model-Agnostic Meta-Reinforcement Learning

kristian-georgiev/sgmrl NeurIPS 2021

We consider Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) methods for Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems, where the goal is to find a policy using data from several tasks represented by Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) that can be updated by one step of stochastic policy gradient for the realized MDP.

Evolving Inborn Knowledge For Fast Adaptation in Dynamic POMDP Problems

dlpbc/penn-a 27 Apr 2020

Rapid online adaptation to changing tasks is an important problem in machine learning and, recently, a focus of meta-reinforcement learning.

Exchangeable Models in Meta Reinforcement Learning

irakorshunova/bruno-sac ICML Workshop LifelongML 2020

One recent approach to meta reinforcement learning (meta-RL) is to integrate models for task inference with models for control.

MetaCURE: Meta Reinforcement Learning with Empowerment-Driven Exploration

NagisaZj/MetaCURE-Public 15 Jun 2020

Meta reinforcement learning (meta-RL) extracts knowledge from previous tasks and achieves fast adaptation to new tasks.

Model-based Adversarial Meta-Reinforcement Learning

LinZichuan/AdMRL NeurIPS 2020

When the test task distribution is different from the training task distribution, the performance may degrade significantly.

Fast Adaptive Task Offloading in Edge Computing based on Meta Reinforcement Learning

linkpark/metarl-offloading 5 Aug 2020

Recently, many deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based methods have been proposed to learn offloading policies through interacting with the MEC environment that consists of UE, wireless channels, and MEC hosts.