Melody Extraction

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

A Streamlined Encoder/Decoder Architecture for Melody Extraction

bill317996/Melody-extraction-with-melodic-segnet 30 Oct 2018

Our experiments on both vocal melody extraction and general melody extraction validate the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Musical Instrument Playing Technique Detection Based on FCN: Using Chinese Bowed-Stringed Instrument as an Example

water45wzh/MIPTD_Erhu 20 Oct 2019

The effectiveness of the proposed framework is tested on a new dataset, its categorization of techniques is similar to our training dataset.

MidiBERT-Piano: Large-scale Pre-training for Symbolic Music Understanding

wazenmai/MIDI-BERT 12 Jul 2021

This paper presents an attempt to employ the mask language modeling approach of BERT to pre-train a 12-layer Transformer model over 4, 166 pieces of polyphonic piano MIDI files for tackling a number of symbolic-domain discriminative music understanding tasks.

TONet: Tone-Octave Network for Singing Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music

retrocirce/tonet 2 Feb 2022

In this paper, we propose TONet, a plug-and-play model that improves both tone and octave perceptions by leveraging a novel input representation and a novel network architecture.

Clarinet: A Music Retrieval System

rohans0509/clarinet 23 Oct 2022

A MIDI based approach for music recognition is proposed and implemented in this paper.

Towards Improving Harmonic Sensitivity and Prediction Stability for Singing Melody Extraction

smoothken/kknet 4 Aug 2023

In deep learning research, many melody extraction models rely on redesigning neural network architectures to improve performance.