Logical Reasoning

184 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 11 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Ontology Reasoning with Deep Neural Networks

phohenecker/family-tree-data-gen 24 Aug 2018

This is an important and at the same time very natural logical reasoning task, which is why the presented approach is applicable to a plethora of important real-world problems.

MMM: Multi-stage Multi-task Learning for Multi-choice Reading Comprehension

jind11/MMM-MCQA 1 Oct 2019

Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) for question answering (QA), which aims to answer a question given the relevant context passages, is an important way to test the ability of intelligence systems to understand human language.

Matrix Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Hard 2D Tasks

LUMII-Syslab/Switchblade 29 Jun 2020

Convolutional neural networks have become the main tools for processing two-dimensional data.

LogiQA: A Challenge Dataset for Machine Reading Comprehension with Logical Reasoning

lgw863/LogiQA-dataset 16 Jul 2020

Machine reading is a fundamental task for testing the capability of natural language understanding, which is closely related to human cognition in many aspects.

Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers

NicolasAG/SGinPG NeurIPS 2020

We observe that models that are not trained to generate proofs are better at generalizing to problems based on longer proofs.

Neural Software Analysis

superli3/codenavi 16 Nov 2020

The resulting tools complement and outperform traditional program analyses, and are used in industrial practice.

DAGN: Discourse-Aware Graph Network for Logical Reasoning

Eleanor-H/DAGN NAACL 2021

The model encodes discourse information as a graph with elementary discourse units (EDUs) and discourse relations, and learns the discourse-aware features via a graph network for downstream QA tasks.

Logic-Driven Context Extension and Data Augmentation for Logical Reasoning of Text

WangsyGit/LReasoner Findings (ACL) 2022

Logical reasoning of text requires understanding critical logical information in the text and performing inference over them.

Fact-driven Logical Reasoning for Machine Reading Comprehension

ozyyshr/DGM NeurIPS 2021

Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in training machines with reasoning ability, which deeply relies on accurately and clearly presented clue forms.

Discriminative Reasoning for Document-level Relation Extraction

xwjim/DRN Findings (ACL) 2021

Document-level relation extraction (DocRE) models generally use graph networks to implicitly model the reasoning skill (i. e., pattern recognition, logical reasoning, coreference reasoning, etc.)