Linguistic steganography

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Neural Linguistic Steganography

harvardnlp/NeuralSteganography IJCNLP 2019

Whereas traditional cryptography encrypts a secret message into an unintelligible form, steganography conceals that communication is taking place by encoding a secret message into a cover signal.

Near-imperceptible Neural Linguistic Steganography via Self-Adjusting Arithmetic Coding

mickeystroller/StegaText EMNLP 2020

Linguistic steganography studies how to hide secret messages in natural language cover texts.

Frustratingly Easy Edit-based Linguistic Steganography with a Masked Language Model

ku-nlp/steganography-with-masked-lm NAACL 2021

With advances in neural language models, the focus of linguistic steganography has shifted from edit-based approaches to generation-based ones.

Provably Secure Generative Linguistic Steganography

Mhzzzzz/ADG-steganography Findings (ACL) 2021

Generative linguistic steganography mainly utilized language models and applied steganographic sampling (stegosampling) to generate high-security steganographic text (stegotext).

Addressing Segmentation Ambiguity in Neural Linguistic Steganography

jumon/himitsu 12 Nov 2022

Previous studies on neural linguistic steganography, except Ueoka et al. (2021), overlook the fact that the sender must detokenize cover texts to avoid arousing the eavesdropper's suspicion.

A Secure and Disambiguating Approach for Generative Linguistic Steganography

ryehr/MWIS-disambiguation IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2023

Firstly, we propose a secure token-selection principle that the sum of selected tokens' probabilities is positively correlated to statistical imperceptibility.

Zero-shot Generative Linguistic Steganography

leonardodalinky/zero-shot-gls 16 Mar 2024

Generative linguistic steganography attempts to hide secret messages into covertext.

Provably Secure Disambiguating Neural Linguistic Steganography

7-yaya/syncpool 26 Mar 2024

SyncPool does not change the size of the candidate pool or the distribution of tokens and thus is applicable to provably secure language steganography methods.