Language Acquisition

68 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Language acquisition refers to tasks related to the learning of a second language.


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2 papers

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Learning Semantic Correspondences with Less Supervision

worksheets/0xd8ae7710 1 Aug 2009

A central problem in grounded language acquisition is learning the correspondences between a rich world state and a stream of text which references that world state.

Grammar induction from (lots of) words alone

jkpate/streamingDMV COLING 2016

We show that grammar induction from words alone is in fact feasible when the model is provided with sufficient training data, and present two new streaming or mini-batch algorithms for PCFG inference that can learn from millions of words of training data.

Visually grounded learning of keyword prediction from untranscribed speech

kamperh/recipe_vision_speech_flickr 23 Mar 2017

In this setting of images paired with untranscribed spoken captions, we consider whether computer vision systems can be used to obtain textual labels for the speech.

A study of N-gram and Embedding Representations for Native Language Identification

nishkalavallabhi/NLIST2017 WS 2017

We report on our experiments with N-gram and embedding based feature representations for Native Language Identification (NLI) as a part of the NLI Shared Task 2017 (team name: NLI-ISU).

Language Bootstrapping: Learning Word Meanings From Perception-Action Association

giampierosalvi/AffordancesAndSpeech 27 Nov 2017

The model is based on an affordance network, i. e., a mapping between robot actions, robot perceptions, and the perceived effects of these actions upon objects.

Interactive Language Acquisition with One-shot Visual Concept Learning through a Conversational Game

PaddlePaddle/XWorld ACL 2018

Building intelligent agents that can communicate with and learn from humans in natural language is of great value.

Deep Factorization Machines for Knowledge Tracing

jilljenn/ktm 1 May 2018

This paper introduces our solution to the 2018 Duolingo Shared Task on Second Language Acquisition Modeling (SLAM).