Knowledge Graph Completion

208 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 16 datasets

Knowledge graphs $G$ are represented as a collection of triples $\{(h, r, t)\}\subseteq E\times R\times E$, where $E$ and $R$ are the entity set and relation set. The task of Knowledge Graph Completion is to either predict unseen relations $r$ between two existing entities: $(h, ?, t)$ or predict the tail entity $t$ given the head entity and the query relation: $(h, r, ?)$.

Source: One-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs


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Most implemented papers

A Re-evaluation of Knowledge Graph Completion Methods

svjan5/kg-reeval ACL 2020

Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) aims at automatically predicting missing links for large-scale knowledge graphs.

Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding Model based on Additive Time Series Decomposition

soledad921/ATISE 18 Nov 2019

Moreover, considering the temporal uncertainty during the evolution of entity/relation representations over time, we map the representations of temporal KGs into the space of multi-dimensional Gaussian distributions.

Generative Adversarial Zero-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs

Panda0406/Zero-shot-knowledge-graph-relational-learning 8 Jan 2020

Large-scale knowledge graphs (KGs) are shown to become more important in current information systems.

Multi-Partition Embedding Interaction with Block Term Format for Knowledge Graph Completion

tranhungnghiep/MEI-KGE 29 Jun 2020

Knowledge graph embedding methods perform this task by representing entities and relations as embedding vectors and modeling their interactions to compute the matching score of each triple.

CoDEx: A Comprehensive Knowledge Graph Completion Benchmark

tsafavi/codex EMNLP 2020

We present CoDEx, a set of knowledge graph completion datasets extracted from Wikidata and Wikipedia that improve upon existing knowledge graph completion benchmarks in scope and level of difficulty.

FedE: Embedding Knowledge Graphs in Federated Setting

AnselCmy/FedE 24 Oct 2020

Knowledge graphs (KGs) consisting of triples are always incomplete, so it's important to do Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) by predicting missing triples.

DisenKGAT: Knowledge Graph Embedding with Disentangled Graph Attention Network

wjk666/disenkgat 22 Aug 2021

Knowledge graph completion (KGC) has become a focus of attention across deep learning community owing to its excellent contribution to numerous downstream tasks.

A Probabilistic Framework for Knowledge Graph Data Augmentation

anongekc/gekcs 25 Oct 2021

We present NNMFAug, a probabilistic framework to perform data augmentation for the task of knowledge graph completion to counter the problem of data scarcity, which can enhance the learning process of neural link predictors.

Rethinking Graph Convolutional Networks in Knowledge Graph Completion

miralab-ustc/gcn4kgc 8 Feb 2022

Surprisingly, we observe from experiments that the graph structure modeling in GCNs does not have a significant impact on the performance of KGC models, which is in contrast to the common belief.

LambdaKG: A Library for Pre-trained Language Model-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings

zjunlp/promptkg 1 Oct 2022

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) often have two characteristics: heterogeneous graph structure and text-rich entity/relation information.