Knowledge Base Population

32 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Knowledge base population is the task of filling the incomplete elements of a given knowledge base by automatically processing a large corpus of text.

Most implemented papers

KnowledgeNet: A Benchmark Dataset for Knowledge Base Population

diffbot/knowledge-net IJCNLP 2019

KnowledgeNet is a benchmark dataset for the task of automatically populating a knowledge base (Wikidata) with facts expressed in natural language text on the web.

Knowledge Base Completion: Baseline strikes back (Again)

dair-iitd/kbc-baseline 2 May 2020

Most existing methods train with a small number of negative samples for each positive instance in these datasets to save computational costs.

Deep Neural Networks for Relation Extraction

nusnlp/PtrNetDecoding4JERE 5 Apr 2021

Relation extraction from text is an important task for automatic knowledge base population.

DeepKE: A Deep Learning Based Knowledge Extraction Toolkit for Knowledge Base Population

zjunlp/deepke 10 Jan 2022

We present an open-source and extensible knowledge extraction toolkit DeepKE, supporting complicated low-resource, document-level and multimodal scenarios in the knowledge base population.

PseudoReasoner: Leveraging Pseudo Labels for Commonsense Knowledge Base Population

hkust-knowcomp/pseudoreasoner 14 Oct 2022

We propose PseudoReasoner, a semi-supervised learning framework for CSKB population that uses a teacher model pre-trained on CSKBs to provide pseudo labels on the unlabeled candidate dataset for a student model to learn from.

CKBP v2: An Expert-Annotated Evaluation Set for Commonsense Knowledge Base Population

hkust-knowcomp/cskb-population 20 Apr 2023

Populating Commonsense Knowledge Bases (CSKB) is an important yet hard task in NLP, as it tackles knowledge from external sources with unseen events and entities.

Expanding the Vocabulary of BERT for Knowledge Base Construction

MaastrichtU-IDS/LMKBC-2023 12 Oct 2023

To address this, we present Vocabulary Expandable BERT for knowledge base construction, which expand the language model's vocabulary while preserving semantic embeddings for newly added words.

Textual Entailment for Effective Triple Validation in Object Prediction

expertailab/textual-entailment-for-effective-triple-validation-in-object-prediction 29 Jan 2024

Knowledge base population seeks to expand knowledge graphs with facts that are typically extracted from a text corpus.