Knowledge Base Completion

66 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Knowledge base completion is the task which automatically infers missing facts by reasoning about the information already present in the knowledge base. A knowledge base is a collection of relational facts, often represented in the form of "subject", "relation", "object"-triples.

Most implemented papers

Scene Graph Prediction with Limited Labels

vincentschen/limited-label-scene-graphs ICCV 2019

All scene graph models to date are limited to training on a small set of visual relationships that have thousands of training labels each.

Path Ranking with Attention to Type Hierarchies

wliu88/AttentivePathRanking 26 May 2019

The objective of the knowledge base completion problem is to infer missing information from existing facts in a knowledge base.

Neural Consciousness Flow

netpaladinx/NeuCFlow 30 May 2019

Instead, inspired by the consciousness prior proposed by Yoshua Bengio, we explore reasoning with the notion of attentive awareness from a cognitive perspective, and formulate it in the form of attentive message passing on graphs, called neural consciousness flow (NeuCFlow).

Modeling Paths for Explainable Knowledge Base Completion

JosuaStadelmaier/CPM WS 2019

A common approach in knowledge base completion (KBC) is to learn representations for entities and relations in order to infer missing facts by generalizing existing ones.

Dynamically Pruned Message Passing Networks for Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Reasoning

netpaladinx/DPMPN ICLR 2020

We propose Dynamically Pruned Message Passing Networks (DPMPN) for large-scale knowledge graph reasoning.

Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural and Semantic Context

allenai/commonsense-kg-completion 7 Oct 2019

Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of language model representations in boosting link prediction performance and the advantages of learning from local graph structure (+1. 5 points in MRR for ConceptNet) when training on subgraphs for computational efficiency.

OxKBC: Outcome Explanation for Factorization Based Knowledge Base Completion

dair-iitd/oxkbc AKBC 2020

State-of-the-art models for Knowledge Base Completion (KBC) are based on tensor factorization (TF), e. g, DistMult, ComplEx.

Knowledge Base Completion for Constructing Problem-Oriented Medical Records

asappresearch/kbc-pomr 27 Apr 2020

Both electronic health records and personal health records are typically organized by data type, with medical problems, medications, procedures, and laboratory results chronologically sorted in separate areas of the chart.

Regex Queries over Incomplete Knowledge Bases

dair-iitd/kbi-regex AKBC 2021

In response, we develop RotatE-Box -- a novel combination of RotatE and box embeddings.

Knowledge Base Completion: Baseline strikes back (Again)

dair-iitd/kbc-baseline 2 May 2020

Most existing methods train with a small number of negative samples for each positive instance in these datasets to save computational costs.