Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

56 papers with code • 16 benchmarks • 16 datasets

Joint Entity and Relation Extraction is the task of extracting entity mentions and semantic relations between entities from unstructured text with a single model.

Most implemented papers

Structured Prediction as Translation between Augmented Natural Languages

amazon-research/tanl ICLR 2021

We propose a new framework, Translation between Augmented Natural Languages (TANL), to solve many structured prediction language tasks including joint entity and relation extraction, nested named entity recognition, relation classification, semantic role labeling, event extraction, coreference resolution, and dialogue state tracking.

A Trigger-Sense Memory Flow Framework for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

tricktreat/trimf 25 Jan 2021

Joint entity and relation extraction framework constructs a unified model to perform entity recognition and relation extraction simultaneously, which can exploit the dependency between the two tasks to mitigate the error propagation problem suffered by the pipeline model.

Multilingual Entity and Relation Extraction Dataset and Model

samsungnlp/smiler EACL 2021

We present a novel dataset and model for a multilingual setting to approach the task of Joint Entity and Relation Extraction.

Deep Neural Networks for Relation Extraction

nusnlp/PtrNetDecoding4JERE 5 Apr 2021

Relation extraction from text is an important task for automatic knowledge base population.

Representation Iterative Fusion based on Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

zhao9797/RIFRE 8 May 2021

Joint entity and relation extraction is an essential task in information extraction, which aims to extract all relational triples from unstructured text.

Joint Biomedical Entity and Relation Extraction with Knowledge-Enhanced Collective Inference

laituan245/bio_relex ACL 2021

It then uses an entity linker to form a knowledge graph containing relevant background knowledge for the the entity mentions in the text.

A Cascade Dual-Decoder Model for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

prastunlp/DualDec 27 Jun 2021

In this work, we propose an effective cascade dual-decoder method to extract overlapping relational triples, which includes a text-specific relation decoder and a relation-corresponded entity decoder.

HySPA: Hybrid Span Generation for Scalable Text-to-Graph Extraction

renll/HySPA Findings (ACL) 2021

Text-to-Graph extraction aims to automatically extract information graphs consisting of mentions and types from natural language texts.

Injecting Knowledge Base Information into End-to-End Joint Entity and Relation Extraction and Coreference Resolution

klimzaporojets/e2e-kb-ie Findings (ACL) 2021

The used KB entity representations are learned from either (i) hyperlinked text documents (Wikipedia), or (ii) a knowledge graph (Wikidata), and appear complementary in raising IE performance.