Intrusion Detection

100 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 7 datasets

Intrusion Detection is the process of dynamically monitoring events occurring in a computer system or network, analyzing them for signs of possible incidents and often interdicting the unauthorized access. This is typically accomplished by automatically collecting information from a variety of systems and network sources, and then analyzing the information for possible security problems.

Source: Machine Learning Techniques for Intrusion Detection


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Most implemented papers

E-GraphSAGE: A Graph Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System for IoT

waimorris/E-GraphSAGE 30 Mar 2021

This paper presents a new Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).

TOD: GPU-accelerated Outlier Detection via Tensor Operations

yzhao062/pytod 26 Oct 2021

Outlier detection (OD) is a key learning task for finding rare and deviant data samples, with many time-critical applications such as fraud detection and intrusion detection.

IoTGeM: Generalizable Models for Behaviour-Based IoT Attack Detection

kahramankostas/heriot 17 Oct 2023

In this paper we present an approach for modelling IoT network attacks that focuses on generalizability, yet also leads to better detection and performance.

Hybrid Isolation Forest - Application to Intrusion Detection

pfmarteau/HIF 10 May 2017

From the identification of a drawback in the Isolation Forest (IF) algorithm that limits its use in the scope of anomaly detection, we propose two extensions that allow to firstly overcome the previously mention limitation and secondly to provide it with some supervised learning capability.

A Renewal Model of Intrusion

dtolpin/rmi-case-studies 24 Sep 2017

We present a probabilistic model of an intrusion in a renewal process.

Detection of Adversarial Training Examples in Poisoning Attacks through Anomaly Detection

lmunoz-gonzalez/Poisoning-Attacks-with-Back-gradient-Optimization 8 Feb 2018

We show empirically that the adversarial examples generated by these attack strategies are quite different from genuine points, as no detectability constrains are considered to craft the attack.

Intrusion Detection Using Mouse Dynamics

margitantal68/mouse_dynamics_balabit_chaoshen_dfl 10 Oct 2018

Drag and drop mouse actions proved to be the best actions for impostor detection.

Benchmarking datasets for Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection: KDD CUP 99 alternatives

Saurabh2805/kdd_cup_99 13 Nov 2018

Applying the SMOTE oversampling technique and random undersampling, we create a balanced version of NSL-KDD and prove that skewed target classes in KDD-99 and NSL-KDD hamper the efficacy of classifiers on minority classes (U2R and R2L), leading to possible security risks.

CANet: An Unsupervised Intrusion Detection System for High Dimensional CAN Bus Data

etas/SynCAN 6 Jun 2019

For reproducibility of the method, our synthetic data is publicly available.