Intent Classification

94 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Intent Classification is the task of correctly labeling a natural language utterance from a predetermined set of intents

Source: Multi-Layer Ensembling Techniques for Multilingual Intent Classification


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Most implemented papers

Submodular Optimization-based Diverse Paraphrasing and its Effectiveness in Data Augmentation

malllabiisc/DiPS NAACL 2019

Inducing diversity in the task of paraphrasing is an important problem in NLP with applications in data augmentation and conversational agents.

Emu: Enhancing Multilingual Sentence Embeddings with Semantic Specialization

megagonlabs/emu 15 Sep 2019

We present Emu, a system that semantically enhances multilingual sentence embeddings.

Reconstructing Capsule Networks for Zero-shot Intent Classification

fanolabs/0shot-classification IJCNLP 2019

With the burgeoning of conversational AI, existing systems are not capable of handling numerous fast-emerging intents, which motivates zero-shot intent classification.

Metric Learning for Dynamic Text Classification

asappresearch/dynamic-classification WS 2019

However, in many real-world applications the label set is frequently changing.

Fast Intent Classification for Spoken Language Understanding

akshittyagi/intclass 3 Dec 2019

To address the latency and computational complexity issues, we explore a BranchyNet scheme on an intent classification scheme within SLU systems.

Stacked DeBERT: All Attention in Incomplete Data for Text Classification

gcunhase/StackedDeBERT 1 Jan 2020

This is due to the fact that current approaches are built for and trained with clean and complete data, and thus are not able to extract features that can adequately represent incomplete data.

Intent Classification in Question-Answering Using LSTM Architectures

Ahmmed44/question_answering_task 25 Jan 2020

Question-answering (QA) is certainly the best known and probably also one of the most complex problem within Natural Language Processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI).

MTSI-BERT: A Session-aware Knowledge-based Conversational Agent

seo-95/MTSI-BERT LREC 2020

In the last years, the state of the art of NLP research has made a huge step forward.

ImpactCite: An XLNet-based method for Citation Impact Analysis

DominiqueMercier/ImpactCite 5 May 2020

Therefore, citation impact analysis (which includes sentiment and intent classification) enables us to quantify the quality of the citations which can eventually assist us in the estimation of ranking and impact.